Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Swedes Bashed at Poltava Again

Various unofficial reports indicate, amid fog of war and Zelensky regime propaganda, that huge numbers of Zelensky military destroyed in two ballistic missiles strikes early morning today on the Poltava military communications institute include a number of swedes who were there as instructors likely providing training to operate Swedish AEW&C aircraft like the ASC 890 which they promised to supply the Zelensky regime with - no doubt to prolong the agony of the Ukrainian people and to make sure that more, many more will be killed, well, in that case, served them right.

The first 17th century Poltava battle ended Sweden's status as a major power... which status she has failed to ever recover.

UPD: some Ukrainian sources say the authorities force underage children to donate give blood to treat wounded swedes... i.e. they harvest blood from youngsters to treat wounded swedes.

Many of the children faint after giving blood

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