Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Western Supplied Air Defense Assets Cause Mass Destruction in Lvov

 September 4, 2024 - As Russian missiles hit military installations in the city of Lvov in precision strikes (ukr. - Lviv), Western supplied air defense assets fail to intercept any and instead cause mass indiscriminate damage in the city and some casualties, including children, in more NATO-, US- and EU sponsored crimes against humanity in Ukraine.

Look for the telltale shrapnel damage on facades of buildings which points to the real culprit - Western supplied subpar air defense systems that fail to shoot down missiles but destroy buildings and kill people instead - Russian missiles carry high explosive and deep penetration warheads and do not produce shrapnel - shrapnel is the key impact element in air defense missiles allowing them in theory to destroy targets without achieving direct hits

Also housing in Lviv is very poorly built as it is a left-over from Polish and even before that Austrian rule on the city - so buildings in Lviv cannot take much damage and collapse even from a relative minor hit on them by an errant Western anti-air missile

The city still doesn't have a modern sewage system just like other old Euro cities where you shit in a bucket like in Paris and throw your turds out the window on the street below, and plumbing has only recently been discovered there.




The Independent General Sokolowski Commission on Crimes Against Humanity in Ukraine by Western Plutocracies chaired by General K. Sokolowski (retired), our military expert and occasional contributor, continues to gather evidence and is soon going to issue preliminary findings and recommend a course of action to bring those responsible to justice, especially the leaders of the culpable entities:

A catalog of Ukrainian-, US-, NATO-, British-, EU-, etc. crimes in Ukraine

Nato war crimes

NATO's crimes against humanity

Nato atrocities

British crimes against humanity

British war crimes

Ukrainian atrocities

crimes of Ukrainian regime

US war crimes in Ukraine

It is worth keeping tabs on these as they will be updated.

Also it will be part of our submission and application to the International Criminal Court at Hague, Netherlands, and to the International Court of Justice under UN.

And in fact, by virtue of stating, declaring and publishing this here, it does hereby become such.

The International Criminal Court at Hague must be made to investigate every report of Ukrainian, EU and NATO crimes herein mentioned or, if it fails to so do, it will itself be culpable in these crimes by NATO, EU and the Zelensky Regime Ukraine, and ICC officials could and will be made accountable and be punishable too, either in due process or extra-judicially by direct punishing action.

The scope of US-, NATO-, EU- and Britain sponsored Ukrainian Zelensky military crimes against humanity in Ukraine is such that the war criminals Biden, Blinken, Kamala Harris, Ursula von der Leyen, Boris Johnson, Stoltenberg, Scholz, Baerbock and Zelensky and other G7 leaders will almost certainly also face either indictment for war crimes, crimes against humanity, atrocities or maybe even extra-judicial direct punishing action by special forces of the Ukrainian People's Republics to bring them to justice at the time of the Republics' choosing.



The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: Zelenskies Artibtrarily Execute Three of Their Own...: Footage shows NATO-led and sponsored Zelenskies arbitrarily and extra-judicially executing three of their own for reasons as yet unknown but...

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