Sunday, December 15, 2024

Lions of Damascus, Depart Undefeated

The body of Syrian Maj. Gen. Ali Mahmoud, chief of staff for Maher al-Assad, brother to the deposed president and commander of Syrias 4th Armored Division, lies in uniform with apparent grenade wounds to the hands and left knee, and a burned uniform and face, which one independent monitor suggests could have been the result of a suicide attempt 



This is how the greatest depart as opposed to yank-, angloid-, europoo politicians and other whimpering subhuman filth, overdue for mass cleansing with nuclear detergents. And we won't even mention jewlani pigs by name. oops

It's like Seneca said [of Metellus Scipio]:

It was a great deed to conquer Carthage, but a greater deed to conquer death. 'All is well with the commander!' Ought a general to die otherwise, especially ... [...] one of the Lions of Damascus?


A lesson, and an example, to us all.

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