Sunday, September 8, 2024

Fully Up-Armored M1 Abrams Meets Fate

A fully Kontakt-1 reactive armor and what-not up-armored Abrams has met its fate - according to our count, if new, it's already either the 30th or 31st destroyed Abrams meaning the original contingent has been accounted for... unless we double-counted some.


 Hey look it has an entire complement of rounds in the back of turret that didn't even go off.

But bet anything the innards are massively scorched even if it's a tiny penetration on the outside.

The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: Live: Mass M1 Abrams Tank Destruction Is On: -x28....: Mass M1 Abrams tank destruction: -x28 Our contributing military expert, General K. Sokolowski (ret.), he say the Americans have only ever m...

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