Monday, September 2, 2024

Katastrophe at Kursk: Folly of Nato Standards and Maneuver Warfare

Katastrophe at Kursk: Folly of Nato Standards and Nato Mandated Manure Maneuver Warfare


Sitrep for the Kursk region as at Sept 2 - General Sokolowski says that Russian mopping-up is clearly taking longer than thought and maybe hoped initially; furthermore, Zelensky regime forces even continue their futile attacks at certain locations - mainly along the roads and routes converging on that very same town, Kurchatov - home of the Kursk NPT, which was likely their goal all along and was supposed to have been captured on day 1 or 2 of the op at the latest, but, in the final analysis, what it boils down to is that more Zelensky military is going to be destroyed, much much more than if they had fled back across the border already. 

One thing that characterizes cokehead Zelensky (whose grandiosity and stubbornness are hallmarks of his out-of-control cocaine addition) himself personally and in his capacity as supreme commander, his government, his regime and his military is the extreme form of asinine obstinacy and hard-headiness and accordingly his military has never been able to execute competent large-scale retreats and withdrawal maneuvers (unlike what the Russians did in Kharkov 2022) ceding territory to buy time and strategic advantages elsewhere and just to "live another day" and is basically lies all buried where they made their "last stands", of which there have been quite a few already, and their Kursk region op is looking to develop into another one of those and more of the same old. 

(In fact the Russian retreat from Kharkov in 2022 was a much better standard of maneuver warfare than what the Zelensky regime military and their NATO master-planners, commanding officers and advisers have been able to demonstrate to date which is next to nothing. At Kharkov in 2022 the Russians did not only manage to disengage and retreat in the face of on an onslaught by a much numerically superior force but in so doing succeeded in inflicting heavy and far superior losses on them.)

In Kursk, occupying Zelensky regime forces have caught the bear but he doesn't let them go.

It's like Ronald Reagan once said:

Well, during the Second World War, Soviet General -- later Marshal -- Chuikov, a frontline commander, liked to tell the story of a soldier who said he had captured a bear. And he was asked to bring it along. "I can't,'' replied the soldier, "the bear won't let me.''




The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: Killed in Kursk - Battle of Kursk' 24: Zelebot and...: Kursk op: Analysis and background Starting on August  6 or 7 Zelensky regime and NATO militant manpower as well as multiple western origin...

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