Sunday, June 16, 2024

Ukrainian Forced Conscripts Aged Over 55 Now

 Ukrainian forced conscripts - Dad’s fooking army.

Hopefully they’ll go over to the Russians first chance they get but not before killing their Zelensky commanding officers and NATO instructors or members of rear shoot-on-sight Zelensky anti-retreat goon squads.

They are scraping the very bottom of the barrel now as far as manpower goes

They must have burned through millions of own military already.

Entire age groups of men such as the 25 to 35 and to 45 have been wiped out.

What the evil runt Zelensky and his Western backers are doing is nothing short of a genocide of the Ukrainian people, and the payback on them will likewise be of genocidal proportions and even bigger, and whoso hopes to safely hide on some little shat islands or on some  giant dump of a half-continent hopes very wrong.

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