Friday, August 23, 2024

Telegram channel claims FOG operatives destroyed in Kursk

UPD, eta, 26.08.2024 - FOGgers are alleged to be involved in trafficking of Ukrainian children for pedophilia


One Russian telegram channel claims a number of American militants from forward observations group (FOG) have been killed in a village in Kursk region . Though gives no references to sources or anything.

FOG goons have been killed in Russia before, see label.


Previously in 2022

A BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle, AFU, that was reportedly used by operators of Forward Observations Group and they were hiding in housing estates too by the look of it.

Canoe Club

If they ever existed, of course, and are not a hoax as some seem to have been suggesting (possibly to muddy up waters) but in the meantime:

Earlier, Forward Observations Group.


Previously even earlier in 2022

 Unknown number of FOG operators seem to have been liberated in Ukraine.





Even their youtube channel is shot shut down

This could still be a hoax though.

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