Sunday, August 25, 2024

#freeDurov #freePavel

 #freedurov #freepavel


Durov in jail 




 Big tech guns fear they're next



Yeah, internet is predominantly used to access all kinds of porn and other titillating content, including graphic violence, death and war porn. Too bad its inventors were never even arrested.




Macron, a victim of pedophilia


France. One of the reasons for Durov’s arrest was the stated desire of the French authorities to limit the spread of pedophile materials through the Telegram network. 

I want to support the efforts of the government and President Macron in this direction and consider it my duty to report a blatant case of pedophilia. 

In 2023, Brigitte Macron said that she was in turmoil when, at 40, she went on dates with the 15-year-old future president of France.

She probably date-raped him too


Also, "French authorities limiting spread of pedophilia" sounds like a bad oxymoron.  

I mean every French writer of note was or is a pedo... starting from Marquis de Sade and even before him


Is this why?

Her bulge seems to be way bigger way than Macron's dick and nose combined, also no thigh gap

Make paper planes for Telegram, launch them out of your window

Durov's children to stage a #freedurov march on paris

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