Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Paris 2024 Olympics Artefacts Pictorial

 Opening ceremony highlights - there's evidence the IOC and cabal are now trying to hide these.


Does anyone still remember the Paris Olympaediad?





They even hoisted the flag upside down. And likely on purpose too.

And here's why


 After swimming in the Seine river



This is no trifling matter as this might finally become the last straw that breaks the back, and the people's eyes will be open to the jew cabal controlling the entire so-called west and running things from behind the backs of their puppets, especially in the United States where the jews are very strong and control and dominate all key areas of life - entertainment (aka Hollywood, TV and MSM), politics appointing presidents as they see fit not too mention other politicians who are all in their pay, business, science and technology and education although themselves a dwindling minority.


More artefacts 



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