Wednesday, August 7, 2024

R-33 Red Nose Air to Air Alert

 RuAF shows for the first time a R-33 air-to-air missile equipped with a tactical nuclear warhead.

General Sokolowski (retired):

Let's fantasize about what this thing should be able to do in theory, like: wiping out not just individual aircraft negating the need for a precise hit but downing entire airborne squadrons, flying formations and even fleets of the enemy, literally clearing the skies like with a magic wand, and taking into account not just the shock wave but also the EMP - for hundreds of kilometers in all directions (its own current operational range is over 300 km).

This thing could clear the sky over NATO in a jiffy. Of everything that's man-made and flies.

You could just launch it in the relative direction of the enemy and forget about it... and the enemy.

Also, good for downing multiple Tom Cruise wanna-be top (and bottom) guns, no dog fights needed.

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