Wednesday, August 28, 2024

If Durov Released, Steps To Take

Our expert General Sokolowski says that if Pavel Durov is temporarily released on condition of remaining in France pending further procedures he should make his escape from France as follows.

i. Flee to the Russian embassy and make out as if he's going to stay there for a long time;

ii. Be exfiltrated out of there in a diplomatic car, something like below

The sensible thing is of course to flee the degenerate republic whatever the cost, renounce its citizenship which should not have been taken in the first place, and then maybe do something to punish the ruling clique when safely out and pay the duplicitous J anus-faced Macron back in kind personally, either now or when he ceases to be president and least expects it.

On the other hand, this is also a litmus test.

Julian Assange didn't hesitate to flee to the Ecuador embassy, his only mistake was choosing the wrong embassy as Ecuador could not arrange clandestine exfiltration in the way that, say, the Russian embassy could.

But if the disturbed Durov dude doesn't flee it will mean he has sold out and ratted out people and given up codes or whaterver and has in fact become a Western dupe and a stool pigeon, or has been so all along.

In that case, Russia should whack rather than exfiltrate him.  



Look at this English butt-face below and match his brain farts to the face

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