Sunday, August 25, 2024

British "Journalist" Killed in Kramatorsk Strike Turns Out to Be Security Contractor and Former British Military

British "Journalist" Killed in Kramatorsk Strike Turns Out to Be Security Contract and Former British Military

A British journalist killed in a Kramatorsk strike by Russian military predictably turns out to be a former British military security contractor though indeed working for Reuters.

The Russian military says it struck the hotel as it housed foreign militants.

The Ukrainian authorities make out as if only three journalists, including the dead British no-so-journalist, were disturbed in the hotel strike and were the only visitors thereat.

They must be filthy rich to book the entire hotel, however small, for the three of them.

How credible is that - it's not too credible, to be honest.

The Ukrainian authorities are notorious for lying about, and suppressing, military losses, especially those inflicted on foreign militants for fear of spooking future cannon fodder inflows.

The Sapfir hotel was likely a foreign militant base or staging area.

Another consideration to take into account is that Kramatorsk is in the Donbass Peoples' Republic and thus a territory of the Russian Federation temporarily occupied by Zelensky forces, and unaccredited foreign "journalists" are legitimate targets as they are part of the Western propaganda and war-making machine working overtime to perpetuate violence in Ukraine.

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