Monday, August 12, 2024

Kursk Region in Flames - Russia Under British Angloid Attack - Live

Starting on August 7 Zelensky regime and NATO militant manpower as well as multiple western origin armored vehicles continue to be destroyed inside Russia proper in the Kursk region and on the Ukrainian side of the border, including cougar 4 x 4 mraps, International MaxxPros, and Stryker ifv etc., into hundreds of units and thousands of manpower already, during the Zelensky regime’s latest failed offensive across the border into Russia, as Zelensky regime militants and their Western militant helpers break out of their pens and spill across the border into Russia and are dying there and on their own side of border in droves while some reports indicate that four of the Ukrainian most senior commanders and supreme commander’s deputies have been eliminated in a missile strike.


Analysis by our military expert:

As at Aug 10 - Our military expert General Sokolowski ( retired ) says his sources indicate that the goal of Zelensky’s latest failed offensive this time into Russia proper was truly grandiose  -not to say insane - to have captured the Kursk nuclear plant on the first or second day at the latest and to use it for leverage and as a bargaining chip by threatening to unleash nuclear terrorism with prior knowledge and connivance of major Western entities, the North Atlantic axis, and even UN Secretary General Gutierrez herself - who must now leave office voluntarily or be made to.

But now three days later it is clear that the offensive has been broken, and was so on day one, the goal has not been achieved, mopping up operations have commenced although they may yet take some time. 

General Sokolowski says that the displayed idiocy clearly indicates that the offensive was planned and is masterminded by NATO generals, especially British and Yank top imbeciles, and that the Ukrainian forces who had achieved a major numerical superiority were supposed to have operated according to so-called NATO standards of mobile warfare that supposedly they had been trained in and were led by SAS operatives and other Western “special” forces who by now have been hopefully all killed, as the Russian military reports another missile strike eliminating at least 15 foreign militants earlier today in one location alone.


Live coverage:

Aug 12 - Colonel General Ramzan Kadyrov units mopping up mobile warfare NATO standards in Kursk region at close quarters capturing the armor


Aug 12 - Some as yet unverified reports indicate that British and French de-generals are involved in the planning and execution of the failed Kursk attack but the Yanks abstained on this one, as unprecedented destruction of Western origin armored assets continues in the Kursk region with reports indicating that 30 armored assets destroyed this morning alone by just one unit of the Russian army.


Aug 11 - Ghanima harvesting in the ruins of another NATO standards convoy


Aug 11 - more Strykers and other machinery mopped up along with foot soldiery, Zelensky regime and foreign, as unprotected “NATO standards” using convoys are being hunted from above inflicting heavy and rising losses and as Zelensky forces are trapped in a small strip of the Kursk region with no possibility to either advance or retreat.


Aug 10 - Western militant troop reinforced with a Zelenskyite t-64 tank destroyed together with the tank - at least 20 western militants are reported to have been killed, another 10 are being mopped up in the bush nearby.


Aug 10 - Russia under Angloid attack in Kursk region. Burn these vermin. Yank zogdogs too by the sound of it. Fresh meat for the roast. Fast food reared soft and tender better than pork yank meat. But too fatty and sweet. Parasite infested too. No, tank you. Hopefully they have been killed already.

But French warriors stand with Rusią, the reborn Normandię-Neman squadron.


Aug 10 - Our military expert General Sokolowski ( retired ) says his sources indicate that the goal of Zelensky’s latest failed offensive this time into Russia proper was truly grandeur -not to say insane - to have captured the Kursk nuclear plant on the second day and to use it for leverage and as a bargaining chip by threatening to unleash nuclear terrorism.

But now three days later it is clear that the offensive has been broken, and was so on day one, the goal has not been achieved, mopping up operations have commenced although they may yet take some time. 

General Sokolowski says that the offensive was planned and is masterminded by NATO generals, especially British imbeciles, and that the Ukrainian forces were supposed to have acted according to so-called NATO standards that supposedly they have been trained in and led by SAS operatives who by now have been hopefully all killed, as the Russian military reports another missile strike eliminating at least 15 foreign militants earlier today.


Aug 9 - another Stryker rolls the dice 🎲 with LWMR as part of Zelensky’s latest failed offensive and attempted incursion into Russia.


August 7 - Multiple western origin armored vehicles have been destroyed inside Russia proper in the Kursk region, including cougar 4 x 4 mraps and Stryker ifv, into scores of units already, during the Zelenskyy regime’s latest failed offensive across the border into Russia, as Zelensky regime militants break out of their pens and spill across the border into Russia, and this time the Zelensky regime, the north Atlantic pact and the so-called West are really asking for something big to be sent their way.


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