Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Rumors First F-16 Destroyed

Rumors have been circulating unchecked since Aug 26, 2024 that a first F-16 "fighting falcon" jet was destroyed in a missile strike, either on the ground or whilst airborne, on the same date.


In any case, what appears to be certain is that Mr, Mes', O. S., the first pilot to train on a F-16 and the only one used for propaganda and to make media appearances was confirmed killed in the attack while on a mission which means together with the F16.



Here are the two media conscious Ukrainian pilots, Juice and Moonfish (aka Mes') posing for pictures with some US Senator turd or something, with semi-erections, making out as if he's supporting them and, not to mince words, he and others like him in the United States and the ugly proverbial herself are the reason they are both dead.

Another one.

These stupid yanks provided them with planes so they could die before they make even a single combat sortie. 

So these two wanna-be top guns are dead and the obvious conclusion is to have dealings with the yank is injurious to your health.

Our military expert, General Sokolowski (retired) says, there will be a huuuge payback is a bitch to pay, of epic proportions, once the Russians and the remaining Ukrainians get together again to whack the principal warmongers, and everybody knows who they are.

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