Wednesday, December 25, 2024

The United States, Zionist Controlled Chimera

The United States has finally succumbed to a Zionist parasitic class and is now a Zionist controlled chimera, that is a host controlled by a parasite.

As reported elsewhere, and originally, in the WSJ, President Biden has been so demented and incapacitated for the entire duration of his term in office that the United States has been effectively run for four years by chiefs of staff, all Jews by origin and Zionists by creed, and other Jew officials in primary roles, including A. Blinken as Secretary of State.



As usual history provides a viable comparison, as nothing is new under the sun, and the Ashkenazi jewery, the inventors and practitioners of Zionism, has nothing to do with Judea or its people, Moses, Egyptian captivity, the parting of the Red Sea, and all those fables, of whose veracity there is no evidence whatsoever, including no archaeological evidence, and had never lived in the Palestine or the Middle East at large even but likely stems from a tribe of nomadic people, the Khazars or proto-Khazars, from what is now north Afghanistan, Central Asia, Southern Russia who had adopted Judaism when they succumbed to a parasitic Judaic conspiracy that created a "Khazar" chimera.

In the same way, as a parasitic class that was supplanted onto the US soil starting in the late 19th and early 20th century, mainly by way of uncontrolled immigration from Russia and Eastern Europe, and though a tiny minority, Jewish interests have recently succeeded in creating a chimera of the United States by finally taking control of the country's business, politics, media, entertainment, industry and all its institutions, and now of the Office of President of the United States, for purposes of using the United States as an instrument and a tool primarily to ensure the survival of Israel and the Jew, like a parasite takes control of its host the better to be able to use it up in ensuring one's survival.

The situation is not going to improve under the incoming president-elect Trump who is even more beholden to Jews and Zionists alike, including by way of family relations, and by the way whose mental (in)competence is no less suspect than Biden's, except that Trump's is much more vocal and forward and, for this reason, dangerous.



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