Oct 29 - Bradley will be bread
Sept 6 - boys will be boys and Bradley will be bread, and here is another one
Aug 30 - wake up and smell some morning Bradley wood bread, and this one is overbaked a bit
Aug 27 - two more Bradley bread, spectacular Bradley breads, one collapsing on itself into a heap of burned out armor plates, in Kharkov and the DPR as Russia continues to destroy Europe's largest military (Ukrainian) augmented with hordes of foreign militants.
That's one in fragments in the two pictures
Below another one, the spectacular one in 5 pictures
August 7 - Come rain, come shine Bradley will be bread 🥖.
August 06 - Bradley bread telegram footage, warning: graphic
August 03 - morning Bradley bread
August 02 - two more Bradley bread
July 31 - Bradley (w/) BRAT bread, boys...
July 30 - Bradley will be bread as sure as boys will be boys
Better not to peer inside closely - it burns on the inside even better than on the outside, a product of disturbed American engineering genius
Ammo recovered from a knocked out Bradley
July 29 - boys will be boys and Bradley will be bread (good thing it's not the other way around) - another Bradley taken by a Lancet at night, knocked out and rendered useless.
July 10 - Boys will be boys and Bradley will be bread. Another Bradley destroyed on July 8, 2024.
July 9 - Bradley will be bread: multiple Bradleys destroyed, all recent July 2024 kills, as untold hundreds of these faulty chariots have been destroyed
July 3 - Bradley will be bread pops off turret
June 26 - Bradley will be bread
June 25 - there are few constants in the world as everything flows and changes but one of them is that M2 Bradleys will be bread, and here are another couple
Bradley is quivering in anticipation of getting a liberating RPG-7 grenade hit
June 21 -
Another two Bradleys knocked out of their misery, recent June 2024 kills.
the crew were only able to escape the mobile coffin to expire near it
in another crime by peace-averse Western plutocracies in Ukraine hoping (vainly) to avoid payback.
June 15 - another Bradley destroyed by gifts from the sky, over 60 destroyed with OSINT evidence resolving to hundreds destroyed Bradleys in all.
June 10 - couple more destroyed Bradleys-recent June 2024 kills
Breadly took it through the side
June 6 - another Bradley destroyed. Large numbers of the Bradley have been destroyed, certainly well over 200 units, maybe even 300 out of a total of 400 supplied to date Which already makes it the largest destruction of Bradley fighting vehicles anywhere and over a time of about one year only (as over 150 Bradleys were also destroyed in the protracted 2003–2011 Iraq war, but over a much longer period.)
More Bradley bread 🥖 pictures
And another Bradley that was knocked out and shed her BRAT armor bricks at Berdychy as Western origin weapons continue to be destroyed at a huge and never before seen daily rate as a prelude to a forthcoming “payback is a bitch” scenario involving Western plutocracies
June 4 - two more Bradley bred
May 26 - and another M2A2 Bradley bread, crew mopped up
May 26 - a couple more Bradley bread x3
This is a couple new ones, Bradleys, that is
And this is an old knocked Bradley turd, from September 2023
It's falling apart by herself now
expert, General Sokolowski retd, he say, from footage and photographic
evidence he's seen, the M2 Bradley appears to be another irredeemably
inferior Western combat system: poorly engineered, worse built and very
fragile Crapitalist US-made combat vehicle easily knocked out with small
DIY explosives attached to cheap commercial drones, also easy to knock
out with heavy machine gun and even concentrated rifle fire; heavier or
dedicated antitank-grade munitions or tank rounds themselves leave no
chance, destroy these vehicles totally, also burns well with slightest
of provocations and melts down, pops off turrets too.
to its combat effectiveness, in this type of action, it's below zero,
maybe it's only suitable for lazy colonial warfare against under armed
opponents - the only type of action the US military has seen in many
decades though still was defeated in every campaign since their last
minor military success which was
the 1989 invasion of Panama perpetrated on the orders of the late Bush Senior.
May 15 - another couple from the hundreds of destroyed M2 Bradley fighting vehicles to date:
May 9 - more knocked and destroyed M2 Bradleys on the occasion of the anniversary of V-Day in Europe 1945, the Russkies should have finished the yanks right then and there or brought them well to heel - right after they bashed the Hitlerites into submission, no?
Do you think, had they done so we would still have this bloodshed today? Or countless others of the past and current centuries? Or Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Etc.?
Knocked out Bradley
More pictures of an earlier Bradley bread
March 21 - more Bradley bread 🥖
March 19 - another Bradley bread 🥖
March 13 - more Bradley bread:
March 8 - another Bradley bread: a smoking Bradley IFV
March 8 - Bradley bread: a bunch of knocked M2 Bradley crap chariots, at Berdychy, where Zelenskyites suffer crushing losses in materiel and manpower.
The M2 Bradley is another "RPG operator's dream".
Feb 25 - another m2 Bradley knocked out at quite some distance
19 - fresh M2 Bradley destruction, Bradleys have performed very poorly
indeed but make very good targets easy to knock out or score an outright
09 - From inferior to infernal: the tale of Western made weaponry in
Ukraine, as another M2 Bradley goes Badley, knocked out and later
finished off.
Overall, up to 100 M2 Bradleys must have been easily destroyed by now
which is almost all they had to play (but we are sure more secret
unannounced deliveries have taken place so more will be destroyed yet).

expert, General Sokolowski retd, he say, from footage and photographic
evidence he's seen, the M2 Bradley appears to be another irredeemably
inferior Western combat system: poorly engineered, worse built and very
fragile Crapitalist US-made combat vehicle easily knocked out with small
DIY explosives attached to cheap commercial drones, also easy to knock
out with machine gun and even concentrated rifle fire; heavier or
dedicated antitank-grade munitions or tank rounds themselves leave no
chance, destroy these vehicles totally, also burns well with slightest
of provocations and melts down, pops off turrets too.
to its combat effectiveness, in this type of action, it's below zero,
maybe it's only suitable for lazy colonial warfare against under armed
opponents - the only type of action the US military has seen in many
decades though still was defeated in every campaign since their last
minor military success which was the 1989 invasion of Panama perpetrated on the orders of the late Bush Senior.
More pictures of an earlier knocked out M2 Bradley, as inferior Western weaponry turns infernal.
1 - Although most of them have already been destroyed, some individual
M2A2 Bradley vehicles continue to be destroyed, as can be seen in these
grainy pictures.
Another Bradley taken out with a drone.
is a huge dump of destroyed M2 Bradley vehicles, at least 15 units
destroyed and also fragments of more destroyed M2 Bradleys.
up to 100 M2 Bradleys must have been easily destroyed by now which is
almost all they had to play (but we are sure more secret unannounced
deliveries have taken place so more will be destroyed yet).
Backup footage
expert, General Sokolowski retd, he say, from footage and photographic
evidence he's seen, the M2 Bradley appears to be another irredeemably
inferior Western combat system: poorly engineered, worse built and very
fragile Crapitalist US-made combat vehicle easily knocked out with small
DIY explosives attached to cheap commercial drones, also easy to knock
out with machine gun and even concentrated rifle fire; heavier or
dedicated antitank-grade munitions or tank rounds themselves leave no
chance, destroy these vehicles totally, also burns well with slightest
of provocations and melts down, pops off turrets too.
to its combat effectiveness, in this type of action, it's below zero,
maybe it's only suitable for lazy colonial warfare against under armed
opponents - the only type of action the US military has seen in many
decades though still was defeated in every campaign since their last
minor military success which was the 1989 invasion of Panama perpetrated on the orders of the late Bush Senior.
What an M2 Bradley blowing up on a landmine looks like.
Two more knocked out and abandoned M2 Bradleys.
Both are actually destroyed.
The one above has collapsed torsion bars, sits on belly and clearly
burned through. And the one below was hit with a powerful ordnance like a
helicopter missile or a tank round resulting in severe damage to the
armored hull.
Both are total write-offs.
Two popped-off M2 Bradley turrets.
carcass of another destroyed M2 Bradley is unceremoniously pulled from
the frontline as the Zelensky regime has by now burned through near all
of its Western supplied weaponry whilst achieving next to nothing.
Here is another destroyed Bradley infantry fighting vehicle, so-called.
Bradley destruction is a near daily occurrence on the battlefields of the SMO.

to our contributing military expert, General Sokolowski (Retd), the
myth of the superiority of Western armor, weaponry and armaments is
shattered once and for good and they are found out in the Ukraine to be
ineffective and little short of useless which will no doubt encourage
more Western-oppressed peoples and movements to take up arms, and engage
in direct action, against their Western masters all over the world
which will be, and already is, one result of this Western provoked war,
on which the plutocratic Western minority (1-percenters) ruling elites
did not count at all.
On the other hand,
General Sokolowski notes, the oppressed populations of the Western
plutocracy states, foremost amongst them the U.S., are no longer as
fearful of their repressive bodies, especially armies and fleets, as
they used to be because they know now that the Western, NATO and the US
armies can be successfully taken on, engaged and defeated with DIY grade
weapons and little else but daring and courage, and that’s, Ladies and
gents, right here is another one result of this Western provoked war
many years in the making, on which the plutocratic Western minority
(1-percenter) ruling elites did not count at all and did not

Bradley vehicle uncharacteristically survives the battlefield and
avoids its usual fate which is destruction only to be captured by some
DPR troops.
Previously in this column
is a bunch of badly knocked about Bradleys, some of the first Bradleys
to have been destroyed as far back as in June 2023 When the Zelenskyy
regime and the West in general still believed that these vehicles
amounted to something and were effective, not to mention a game changer
(Hint: they are none of the above)
Our previous M2 Bradley content
Multiple M2 “Tin Foil Matchbox” Bradleys destroyed, many by Lancet drone:
expert, General Sokolowski retd, he say, from footage and photographic
evidence he's seen, the M2 Bradley appears to be another poorly
engineered and very fragile Crapitalist US-made combat vehicle easily
knocked out with small DIY explosives attached to cheap commercial
drones, also easy to knock out with machine gun and even concentrated
rifle fire; heavier or dedicated antitank-grade munitions or tank rounds
themselves leave no chance, destroy these vehicles totally, also burns
well with slightest of provocations and melts down.
to its combat effectiveness, in this type of action, it's below zero,
maybe it's only suitable for lazy colonial warfare, the only type of
action the US military has seen in many decades though still was
defeated in every campaign since their last minor military success which
was the 1989 invasion of Panama perpetrated on the orders of the late Bush Senior.
Lots of M2 Bradley vehicles, over a 100, have been destroyed starting
in early June 2023 when Zelenskyites first attempted to use them to
capture ground in Russia's new territories which joined Russia per
popular demand of the local population, and M2 Bradleys are pretty easy
to destroy.
And please keep in mind, with each destroyed M2 Bradley, or other Western armor junk asset, world peace is inching ever closer.
Hit the jump for our previous Bradley content.
is another US-made Bradley vehicle that Caught an incoming Lancet drone
and was instantly destroyed, only one hit was enough, as western made
weaponry, especially American, continues to be destroyed in this
conflict at a rate and in numbers never before seen not even during the
Second World War.
And another Bradley knocked out recently in the South.
Our previous Bradley content
Minus three M2 Bradley vehicles, at Avdiivka.
an M2 Bradley vehicle in dire straits, burned out and gutted, that
completely melted and collapsed on itself and the only thing left
standing is the composite additional armor plates.

And here’s another M2 Bradley from earlier not only destroyed but tossed the useless turret too for greater artistic effect.
expert, General Sokolowski retd, he say, from footage and photographic
evidence he's seen, the M2 Bradley appears to be another poorly
engineered and very fragile Crapitalist US-made combat vehicle easily
knocked out with small DIY explosives attached to cheap commercial
drones, also easy to knock out with machine gun and even concentrated
rifle fire; heavier or dedicated antitank-grade munitions or tank rounds
themselves leave no chance, destroy these vehicles totally, also burns
well with slightest of provocations and melts down.
to its combat effectiveness, in this type of action, it's below zero,
maybe it's only suitable for lazy colonial warfare, the only type of
action the US military has seen in many decades though still was
defeated in every campaign since their last minor military success which
was the 1989 invasion of Panama perpetrated on the orders of the late Bush Senior.
Lots of M2 Bradley vehicles, over a 100, have been destroyed starting
in early June 2023 when Zelenskyites first attempted to use them to
capture ground in Russia's new territories which joined Russia per
popular demand of the local population, and M2 Bradleys are pretty easy
to destroy.
And please keep in mind, with each destroyed M2 Bradley, or other Western armor junk asset, world peace is inching ever closer.
The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: Bradley Badley:
An M2 Bradley in meltdown. And this here below, ladies and gents, is a
piece of Bradley BARF BRAT armor kit. And as you can clearly see it...
The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: -2 M2 Bradley:
Two more (less) Bradleys to be recorded as past it. Our guest
expert, General Sokolowski retd, he say, from footage and photographic
The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: Melted Bradley:
Here’s an M2 Bradley vehicle in dire straits, burned out and gutted,
that completely melted and collapsed on itself and the only thing left
The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: M2 Bradleys Exit in Threes:
Minus three M2 Bradley vehicles, at Avdiivka. Previously. Here’s an M2
Bradley vehicle in dire straits, burned out and gutted, that complete...
The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: M2 Bradley Taking Hit, Destroyed by Drone:
Here is another US-made Bradley vehicle that Caught an incoming Lancet
drone and was instantly destroyed, only one hit was enough, as wester...
The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: M2 Bradley -x multiple:
Multiple M2 “Tin Foil Matchbox” Bradleys destroyed, many by Lancet
drone: Our expert, General Sokolowski retd, he say, from footage and
The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: Bunch of Bradleys for Scrap:
Here is a bunch of badly knocked about Bradleys, some of the first
Bradleys to have been destroyed as far back as in June 2023 When the
Another Bradley taken out with a drone. ***** Here is a huge
dump of destroyed M2 Bradley vehicles, at least 15 units destroyed
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