Tuesday, December 3, 2024

More M777 Artillery Purged, Can't Shell Civilians in City of Donetsk Anymore

Dump of destroyed M777 howitzers >>>>>>
Dec 04, 2024 - M777 destruction is continuing as another one is taken by a drone. However, M777 howitzers are unable to shell civilians in Donetsk anymore

Previously in this column

July 12, 2024 - at least 170th OSINT documented destroyed US supplied M777 howitzer from earlier in the year.

somewhere up Zelensky’s rear as the M777 has come to Ukraine to do die as a type, to extinction.

This  titanium junk fetches a pretty price and we’re surprised it has not been sold on this side to somebody.

Another M777 torn apart into pieces as destruction of same continues hundreds of destroyed units later as part of NATO and Western pact demilitarization.

Two more M777 howitzers destroyed.

Another M777 is about to be bashed with a drone as M777 howitzer destruction continues amid ongoing daily destruction of scores of Western supplied armor assets on an industrial scale, with such lopsided destruction of western weaponry never heretofore seen in the history of mankind and which will only be surpassed, according to our guest military expert, General Sokolowski (retd), when Russia inevitably moves to the next stage which is that of dismantling the NATO pact itself in its lair which is the Atlantic entities of Ewerope and North America although in this case the primary agent will be not the drone but Russia’s tactical nuclear armaments in stand off saturation aerial and missile bombardments of the NATO pact’s core entities and territories under threat of use of strategic nukes for total obliteration of the West and the North Atlantic entities in the event of anything even remotely resembling retaliation by the North Atlantic pact.

But of course, NATO will be given a germane chance to avoid this unpleasantness by disbanding voluntarily - something it should well be already making the preparations for.


Another M777 howitzer is taken out with a drone.

We have been omitting reporting on the destruction of the M777 howitzer although such destruction takes place if not every day then then certainly multiple times a week, and at this time it is believed that about 180 of them have been destroyed in total per OSINT meaning many hundreds IRL.

Not much is left of this baby-killing M777.


Bonus: destruction of an AFU Rapira gun

Our previous M777 content

It's been a while, but only as regards recording on blog, as IRL their destruction has never ceased: another M777 is destroyed per photographic evidence.


Analysis courtesy of our guest author Five-Star General Kasimir (Kazimierz) Sokolowski, Retd. 

Destruction of US supplied British made M777 howitzers continues, although their numbers are close to depletion, with over 100 destroyed per OSINT alone which means that about all 152 declared as supplied must have been destroyed; if destruction continues it is a proof of extra unannounced deliveries of M777 howitzers that must have taken place, in any case, hundreds have been destroyed in actual fact, let's leave it at that.

Deus vult!

Destroyed US civilian-killing M777 howitzers, OSINT-verified on blog, are into hundreds already, with more destroyed almost every single day.



US BAE designed and built M777 howitzers are maybe good for killing civilians in indiscriminate shelling of cities in Eastern Ukraine, but they are unwieldy, fragile and very high maintenance, made of poor quality British sourced metal and components, regularly break in process of operation, require extensive training to operate, and also require supplies of liquid nitrogen to be able to function (!), easy to knock out even in indirect fire by small amounts of shrapnel or even by indirect small arms fire, also easy to locate and  destroy by precision and not-so-precision munitions as this and many other posts on this blog demonstrate which is a record of M777 howitzer destruction and losses in the Ukraine conflict, along with other Western and Zelenskyite weaponry.


Though the M777 artillery was much touted, and fapped to, earlier on in the conflict by the assorted varied Natoids as the then latest in a series of Western wunderwaffen that was supposed to turn back the tide, the US British-made M777 howitzer is another much hyped but, in reality, near useless and incapable Western and NATO weapons system and substandard, to boot, like all of the Western- and NATO designed and manufactured weaponry, and one that is easy to take out too.


Also, US military instructors, operators and fire control personnel embedded with the elements of the self-styled Armed Forces of Ukraine operating the systems, quite a number of whom may have already been killed with fire, seem to be having difficulty hitting anything with them other than civilian or unprotected non-combatant targets like in the case of an earlier M777 shelling of Donetsk resulting in murder of civilians there.





The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: x3 More M777 Howitzers Make Final Bow: Destruction of US supplied British made M777 howitzers continues, although their numbers are close to depletion, with over 100 destroyed per...

The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: More M777 Artillery Purged: It's been a while, but only as regards recording on blog, as IRL their destruction has never ceased: another M777 is destroyed per photo...
The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: More M777 Artillery Purged: Dump of destroyed M777 howitzers  July 12, 2024 - at least 170th OSINT documented destroyed US supplied M777 howitzer from earlier in the ye...

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 Asteroid Explodes Over Siberia in Russia Today



Monday, December 2, 2024

Another Captured M2 Bradley In Use

Another captured US-supplied M2 Bradley is "impressed", or press-ganged, into Russian service


 She seems to like it too. It's a lot safer for a Bradley to be on the Russian side.


More captured, and sometimes used, Bradleys >>>>>>>


The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: Captured: M2 Bradley X∞ Bradley Captured and Used:  Captured Bradley dump: $$$$$ Nov 25 - a captured Bradley in use. She had to be up-armored before it was deemed safe to use her. But we stil...

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Live: Bradley Bread: M2 Bradleys Destroyed: Hundreds of Destroyed M2 Bradleys To Date

Here’s our live coverage of M2 Bradley IFV destruction aka Bradley Bread:
Dec 1 - first winter Bradley bread  

Nov 23 - a Bradley (turret) tosser at Kurahovo and one other Bradley bread

Nov 22 - another Bradley bread

Nov 12 - more Bradley bread

Nov 9 - wake up and smell morning wood Bradley bread x 2 

 the very same Bradley in the process of annihilation

And this heap in Kursk


 Oct 29 - Bradley will be bread

Sept 6 - boys will be boys and Bradley will be bread, and here is another one

Aug 30 - wake up and smell some morning Bradley wood bread, and this one is overbaked a bit 

Aug 27 - two more Bradley bread, spectacular Bradley breads, one collapsing on itself into a heap of burned out armor plates, in Kharkov and the DPR as Russia continues to destroy Europe's largest military (Ukrainian) augmented with hordes of foreign militants.
That's one in fragments in the two pictures

Below another one, the spectacular one in 5 pictures


August 7 - Come rain, come shine Bradley will be bread 🥖.



August 06 - Bradley bread telegram footage, warning: graphic
August 03 - morning Bradley bread 

August 02 - two more Bradley bread

July 31 - Bradley (w/) BRAT bread, boys...

July 30 - Bradley will be bread as sure as boys will be boys
Better not to peer inside closely - it burns on the inside even better than on the outside, a product of disturbed American engineering genius

Ammo recovered from a knocked out Bradley


July 29 - boys will be boys and Bradley will be bread (good thing it's not the other way around) - another Bradley taken by a Lancet at night, knocked out and rendered useless.


July 10 - Boys will be boys and Bradley will be bread. Another Bradley destroyed on July 8, 2024.


July 9 - Bradley will be bread: multiple Bradleys destroyed, all recent July 2024 kills, as untold hundreds of these faulty chariots have been destroyed 

July 3 - Bradley will be bread pops off turret

June 26 - Bradley will be bread 

June 25 - there are few constants in the world as everything flows and changes but one of them is that M2 Bradleys will be bread, and here are another couple

Bradley is quivering in anticipation of getting a liberating RPG-7 grenade hit
June 21 - 

Another two Bradleys knocked out of their misery, recent June 2024 kills.


Unfortunately the crew were only able to escape the mobile coffin to expire near it in another crime by peace-averse Western plutocracies in Ukraine hoping (vainly) to avoid payback.

June 15 - another Bradley destroyed by gifts from the sky, over 60 destroyed with OSINT evidence resolving to hundreds destroyed Bradleys in all.


June 10 - couple more destroyed Bradleys-recent June 2024 kills

Breadly took it through the side

June 6 - another Bradley destroyed. Large numbers of the Bradley have been destroyed, certainly well over 200 units, maybe even 300 out of a total of 400 supplied to date Which already makes it the largest destruction of Bradley fighting vehicles anywhere and over a time of about one year only (as over 150 Bradleys were also destroyed in the protracted 2003–2011 Iraq war, but over a much longer period.)

More Bradley bread 🥖 pictures

And another Bradley that was knocked out and shed her BRAT armor bricks at Berdychy as Western origin weapons continue to be destroyed at a huge and never before seen daily rate as a prelude to a forthcoming “payback is a bitch” scenario involving Western plutocracies

June 4 - two more Bradley bred

May 26 - and another M2A2 Bradley bread, crew mopped up

May 26 - a couple more Bradley bread x3
This is a couple new ones, Bradleys, that is

And this is an old knocked Bradley turd, from September 2023

It's falling apart by herself now


Our expert, General Sokolowski retd, he say, from footage and photographic evidence he's seen, the M2 Bradley appears to be another irredeemably inferior Western combat system: poorly engineered, worse built and very fragile Crapitalist US-made combat vehicle easily knocked out with small DIY explosives attached to cheap commercial drones, also easy to knock out with heavy machine gun and even concentrated rifle fire; heavier or dedicated antitank-grade munitions or tank rounds themselves leave no chance, destroy these vehicles totally, also burns well with slightest of provocations and melts down, pops off turrets too.

As to its combat effectiveness, in this type of action, it's below zero, maybe it's only suitable for lazy colonial warfare against under armed opponents - the only type of action the US military has seen in many decades though still was defeated in every campaign since their last minor military success which was the 1989 invasion of Panama perpetrated on the orders of the late Bush Senior.

May 15 - another couple from the hundreds of destroyed M2 Bradley fighting vehicles to date:

May 9 - more knocked and destroyed M2 Bradleys on the occasion of the anniversary of V-Day in Europe 1945, the Russkies should have finished the yanks right then and there or brought them well to heel - right after they bashed the Hitlerites into submission, no? 
Do you think, had they done so we would still have this bloodshed today? Or countless others of the past and current centuries? Or Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Etc.?


Knocked out Bradley


More pictures of an earlier Bradley bread 



March 21 - more Bradley bread 🥖 

March 19 - another Bradley bread 🥖 

March 13 - more Bradley bread: