Saturday, October 5, 2024

Yemen - USUK, EU War 2023 - 2024: Live, Series 2

Live coverage of the 2023-2024 Yemen (Houthis) vs USUK War Of Aggression :

Re-cap and background
Initial statement, Houthi President Mahdi Al-Mashat:

     The spilt blood of the (Yemeni) Navy martyrs has forced a new battle with the American enemy, and the answer will inevitably come. The United States must know that any new stupidity will plunge her into a quagmire from which she will not be able to get out with just a snap of her fingers.

     The Americans still have the opportunity to correct the situation and avoid confrontation: all they have to do is to hand over the killers of our heroes for trial in the Republic of Yemen. Otherwise, they will have to wait for our military response, which will inevitably come.

     We in the Republic of Yemen are a people of forty million fighters ready to go into battle, and the army is nothing more than the vanguard of this great nation.

     This battle expands our horizons and opens up opportunities at the national and regional levels as a whole.

     Fighting against the injustice perpetrated against our brotherly people in the Gaza Strip is one of the best jihads for God, and we cannot stop doing it.

     Our humanitarian, religious, moral and political responsibilities oblige us to support our people in Palestine.

     Any ship associated with the Zionist entity will not pass through the Red Sea, no matter the cost.

     Preventing the movement of the Zionist enemy is Yemen's option to ensure peace and a dignified life for our brotherly people in the Gaza Strip.

     If Americans are committed to defending the Zionist entity, then we are committed to defending the oppressed of this land.

     The Yank wags his thick lazy tongue about peace, but he is the one who insists on war and he is the one who blocked three UN Security Council resolutions that could have stopped the war in the Gaza Strip.

     Peace is achievable, starting with an end to the daily crimes in Gaza, an end to Zionist aggression and the American terrorism that supports it.
No authorization for the latest US-led aggression
 Please note that there is no UN Security Council authorisation for this latest attack about to happen by the out-of-control Western entities which is therefore nothing short of an aggressive action and a war crime of attacking a sovereign state by alien forces from outside the region who do not have legitimate interests in the area, especially the British whose little shat island is way off and whose share in the world economy is negligible, who have no mandate to dispense violence as they see fit, while all of the major regional powers want no part of this and had asked the American and British perpetrators repeatedly to exercise restraint and to desist from any aggressive action.
 Yemeni Armed Forces Statement

     In the name of victory for the oppressed Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, who until now have been subjected to the worst types of massacres at the hands of the Zionist entity, and as part of the response to the US-British aggression against our country!

     The Navy of the Yemeni Armed Forces, with the help of the Almighty, carried out a military operation against an American ship in the Gulf of Aden using a number of appropriate anti-ship missiles, and the hit was direct and accurate.

     The Yemeni Armed Forces consider all US and British vessels and warships involved in aggression against our country as hostile targets within the range of our forces.

     The Yemeni Armed Forces confirm that a response to US and British attacks is inevitable, and that any new attack will not go unanswered or unpunished.

     The Yemeni Armed Forces continue to carry out their military operations and impose a decision to prevent Israeli shipping in the Arab and Red Seas until the aggression ceases and the blockade on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.

     The Yemeni Armed Forces confirm the continuation of trade traffic in the Arab and Red Seas in all directions except the ports of occupied Palestine, and that they continue to take all defensive and offensive measures within the framework of the right to defend and counter US-British aggression.
Live coverage begins
Oct 05 - air attacks on Sanaa, Yemen
Oct 05 - suffering a series of setbacks, including a British Cordelia Moon attack and earlier Yemeni attacks on a US destroyer fleet, the real results of which we are unlikely to know for decades as the truth is suppressed as per usual, USUK attempts to escalate in a major way with significant airstrikes on Yemen's civil infrastructure, with Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, attacked with Tomahawk cruise missiles in particular, on top of the airstrikes

August 26 - how is this thing going? Is it time to cope?
Attacks on Red Sea shipping bankrupt Israel's only port - Eilat

 August 04 - Pentagram continues to lose MQ9 Reaper drones as Houthis operators shoot down another one, at least eighth in as many months.
Lots of US taxpayer money is under the Houthi sandal


July 28 - Overview of Houthis' efforts to impose extra costs on Israel, USUK, Uropoo (EU) over IDF's Gaza campaign

 July 16 - in the meantime Yemeni forces continue to impose extra costs on Israeli, US-, and UK linked shipping embarrassing the USUK and Europoo Navies in the process


June 17 - something was maybe brought down over Yemen


June 17 - more pictures of the MV Tutor operation, struck with an Unmanned Surface Vehicle

Damage, severe flooding

"Maybe will sink"

June 16 - multiple hits on shipping assets off Yemen as Houthis continue to embarrass USUK, Europoo, Israel using a USV for the first time and immediately to great effect in the face of the Prosperity Guardian, Aspides and Atalanta operations by the USUK and Europoo forces which are now failing to protect Israeli-, US-, UK- and Western linked shipping on which costs are imposed by the Houthis as payback for the unfolding and so far unchecked genocide in Gaza and elsewhere in the Middle East by the IDF.
Tutor struck, maybe will sink

New operation as of June 16

Ukrainian owned Verbena struck, now reported abandoned, possibly sunk, although damaged was denied at first.


June 9 - today’s update from Yemen, British HMS Diamond targeted, struck, not sure if damaged or sunk


June 5 - Houthis launch a Palestine missile at Eilat in Israel as they continue to embarrass USUK, Europoo and Israel


June 2 - debila Capt Chowdah Hill in damage control mode (literally, and his ass is on the line) posting old photos for new to claim Houthis did not strike the USS Eisenhower 

On this evidence - reading between the lines and extracting the original intent - the USS Eisenhower was more likely hit than not.


Aircraft losses in the Yemen war since ca 2015, including the current USUK and Europoo war of aggression on Yemen (Houthis)

May 29 - Houthis force down another MQ-9 Reaper drone, at least seventh, which looks more or less undamaged, as Houthis continue to embarrass the USUK and Europoo aggressors and to impose costs on the Zionist entity

May 22 - yesterday’s shoot down of a MQ-9 Reaper drone



May 21 - Yemen  confirms the shootdown of another MQ-9 Reaper heavy drone, the sixth in as many months as Houthis continue to embarrass USUK and Europoo.


May 17 - Houthis bring down another US heavy MQ-9 Reaper drone, at least fifth recently.

And burned the debris per tradition


April 24 - Houthis continue to impose extra costs on US- and Israeli linked shipping.


March 25 - another US Navy sailor goes awol at sea

Houthis fish out the body

A specific mention of a “non-combat related incident” is suspicious.


March 16 - German ordnance over-expenditure  on the Hessen —to shoot just one drone. The penny drops: Houthis should make an attack with 20 drones and a couple missiles on one euro war making ship like the Hessen and she will be sure to sink.

March 13 - impacted True Confidence sans crew as Houthis continue to embarrass USUK and Europoos

March 9 - EUVNAVFOR ASPIDES now joins USUK to make war on Yemen in its territorial waters, claims perpetrated shoot-downs of Yemeni drones.

French and Danish were involved 

March 7 - British Rubymar is still sinking


March 6 

“British embassy in Sanaa in exile” claims two dead and sheds fake crocodile tears but no mention of dozens USUK has killed in Yemen

 Feb 28 - Germany’s Hessen as part of EU mission to aid USUK and to make war of aggression n Yemen fires on a US drone in a friendly fire incident, missiles fail as are out of order

Feb 26 - the sinking British Rubymar is sinking 

Feb 25 - Yemen strikes back at USUK, reportedly hitting a US military oil tanker.

Feb 24 - USUK strikes Sanaa, reportedly kills multiple civilians, apparently in a fit of crazed revenge for her recent embarrassments at the hands of the Houthis.

Feb 21 - slowly (but surely) sinking British Rubymar 

Feb 20 - MQ-9 Reaper debris ?

Feb 19 - Another incident is reported with a vessel disobeying recommendations from the Yemeni Naval authorities.

Also at least one source is reported to have said that the British Rubymar vessel has now sunk.

Feb 19 - British vessel Rubimar hit, damaged, abandoned by crew, maybe could sink.

US MQ-9 UAV reportedly shot down

Feb 17 - in the face of USUK best efforts, and maybe because of them, Yemeni naval forces continue to encumber Israeli, US and British linked shipping in the Arab sea.

Feb 16 - USUK claims, and boasts of, a rare success - some captured Ghanima from an unarmed boat. Last time they tried something like it two US Navy Seals drowned.

US 1147 Coast Guard, you are a long way from home, baby! Longer from home than bottom of the sea.

Feb 15 - Undeterred by the USUK aggression, Yemeni forces continue to impose costs on Israel or USUK linked shipping, targeting a British ship.

Feb 12 - In the face of USUK air and missile attacks the Houthis continue to impose additional costs on shipping in the Red Sea.

Feb 11 - Death toll on humanity by the USUK aggression on Yemen (Houthis). Lest we forget or forgive.


Feb 7 - 1700 - Further information is emerging  with claims to the effect that there was a major battle within the past 24 hours, four USUK ships were targeted and hit, including the USS Labone, during which the British HMS Diamond, in particular, apparently received a number of hits by Yemeni antiship missiles and was severely damaged as a result but managed to stay afloat and was not sunk (yet).

Footage of some action 

The British are now hastily evacuating her and replacing her with another ship even rattier than the former. 

The replacement is the hms Richmond, in the foreground.

Feb 7 - British are on the run. The British military says withdrawing the HMS Diamond from the theater allegedly due to some technical problems that she has developed. It should be noted that earlier they claimed to have successfully repelled a number of Yemeni attacks. Turns out, and very likely the truth of the matter is that, the British floating rust-bucket did take hits and sustain damage due to Yemeni missile forces action.

Feb 6 - after, and in the face of, massive USUK air attacks on unverified targets inside Yemen, including capital Sanaa, of the past two days, Yemeni forces continue interdiction operations targeting USUK and Israeli linked shipping traversing Yemen’s territorial waters.

Feb 3 - Per reports on the ground in Yemen USUK airstrikes are apparently targeting agricultural facilities in Yemen in order to exacerbate or cause food shortages iN the country and / or shortages in agricultural supplies to the farmers’ markets. Especially tomatoes, as according to a report a tomato farm was hit during recent USUK air attacks on Yemen.

هؤلاء هم الناس مع التوجه غير التقليدي. الآن أنا ذاهب لتناول اللحوم ، وليس الطماطم.

Translation: these fags (USUK- Tr.) have destroyed my tomato supply, I go on a meat diet now.

Feb 1 - Pentagon claims recent “successes” in USUK’s war on Houthis.

Important to remember that Pentagram’s claims are more in the way of propaganda and psyops than actual reporting of what’s taking place because Pentagram has a policy of not admitting to any damage that they sustain in the course of enemy attacks in order not to encourage more of the same.

And it is with this in mind that they should be read and interpreted.

Jan 29 - Yemeni naval authorities announced targeted the USS Lewis B Puller today, the same one that let two US Navy Seals drown a few days ago.

Pentagram is silent on this one at this point. We shall report any new developments as and when they happen.

Our little and highly specialist resource is where the truth prefers to dwell.


Jan 28 - British “defense” ministry claims a British ship repelled a drone attack.

Generally British propaganda and statements of the British military which are part of it should be treated with the contempt that they deserve, however we shall see what transpires and report on any new findings.

Jan - 27: The British tanker vessel that disobeyed strong recommendations, and various gentle hints to not be associated with an aggressor entity, issued by the Houthis’s Navy authorities is still burning as of today.


Jan 26 - Yemeni forces report striking and setting alight a British vessel, the lMarlin Luanda tanker.


Jan 24 - Houthis say struck a USN ship and forced two US commercial vessels to reverse course, vowing continuing operations.

In the past, their reports have proved largely accurate, the same can’t be said about pentagram though.


Jan 23 - Yemeni anti-ship missiles are no joke. Here’s one that went clean through the Zografia ship. Had it not been an empty bulk carrier but a much more compact military ship packed with ordnance and what not she would’ve sunk very fast indeed upon impact.

And it’s one of their smaller missiles too.


Jan 22 - Earlier today the US CENTCOM denied that the Houthis caused any damage to any American shipping. 

However,  as of right now, they’re launching unprecedented raids on the capital of Yemen among other places which, to us, strongly suggests that the American forces were hurt bad today in the Red Sea and are covering it up whilst lashing out at the Houthis.

This would definitely fit the pattern of U.S. military behavior in a situation of a major military setback.

Jan 19 - footage of an earlier Houthis’ attack on a Greek Israel-bound ship


Jan 19 - reports say the U.S. Chem Ranger ship was totally destroyed

Jan 19 - more USUK mishaps - two British military ships collide in Bahrain 

Jan 18 - Houthis interdiction ops continue


Jan 18 - USUK strikes bearing fruit... except they don’t 

Jan 17 - Ansaroollah propaganda poster

Jan 16 - USUK strikes have really begun to backfire on international shipping


Yemeni Armed Forces Statement

     In the name of victory for the oppressed Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, who until now have been subjected to the worst types of massacres at the hands of the Zionist entity, and as part of the response to the US-British aggression against our country!

     The Navy of the Yemeni Armed Forces, with the help of the Almighty, carried out a military operation against an American ship in the Gulf of Aden using a number of appropriate anti-ship missiles, and the hit was direct and accurate.

     The Yemeni Armed Forces consider all US and British vessels and warships involved in aggression against our country as hostile targets within the range of our forces.

     The Yemeni Armed Forces confirm that a response to US and British attacks is inevitable, and that any new attack will not go unanswered or unpunished.

     The Yemeni Armed Forces continue to carry out their military operations and impose a decision to prevent Israeli shipping in the Arab and Red Seas until the aggression ceases and the blockade on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.

     The Yemeni Armed Forces confirm the continuation of trade traffic in the Arab and Red Seas in all directions except the ports of occupied Palestine, and that they continue to take all defensive and offensive measures within the framework of the right to defend and counter US-British aggression.


“The ship is continuing its journey”... backwards.

Pentagram telling porkies again, nothing new here.

USUK forces failed to intercept

Houthis retaliate with launches, result unknown at this point, could be anti ship or anti air 


The Coalition’ force assembled to make war on Yemen


Yemeni casualties, people killed by British and Us attacks of Jan 11 - 13

To put things into a perspective, not a single person has died during Houthis’ interdiction efforts to date.

In fact, 100 years ago, in the 1920s, Britain was bombing the same people in the same places.

Britain was the inventor and the first perpetrator of mass aerial bombing of civilians, fact. 

Just like she invented extermination camps and Genocide itself entirely wiping out two distinct races of humans: the North American Red Indian and the Australian Aborigines occupying their continents, populating them with her sick, degenerate and criminal issue now, so many generations later but hardly improved if at all, known as the Yank and the Aussie respectively.

Lest we forget or forgive.

It also should be kept in mind as the past is generally the key to the present and to the future. 


Coalition struck, Pentagram Muddies Up Waters

A Coalition vessel may have been hit in retaliation.



Coalition About To Strike

The newest coalition that has coalesced by now is about to make the mistake of striking the Houthis in Yemen.

It certainly seems that way as US spy planes get airborne.

Please note that there is no UN Security Council authorisation for this latest attack about to happen by the out-of-control Western entities which is therefore nothing short of an aggressive action and a war crime of attacking a sovereign state by alien forces from outside the region who do not have legitimate interests in the area, especially the British whose little island is way off and whose share in the world economy is negligible, who have no mandate to dispense violence as they see fit, while all of the major regional powers want no part of this and had asked the American and British perpetrators repeatedly to exercise restraint and to desist from any aggressive action.

The strikes appear to be imminent, even judging by reports in the western government adjacent MSM, US and British planes are expected to be involved.

Another western war of aggression is about to begin.....and Wikipedia has already a page on it.

Resolution to this crisis could be more easily achieved by forcing Israel to terminate its Gaza aggression.


Seems like the newly jellied Coalition’s threats and ultimatums have had no effect on the Houthis as costs continue to be imposed on Israel over her aggression in the Gaza Strip.

Previously in this column.

 Houthi President Mahdi Al-Mashat spoke earlier today at the Yemeni Defense Ministry collegium and actually put forward a counter ultimatum to the United States which loosely translated goes like this:

     The spilt blood of the (Yemeni) Navy martyrs has forced a new battle with the American enemy, and the answer will inevitably come. The United States must know that any new stupidity will plunge her into a quagmire from which she will not be able to get out with just a snap of her fingers.

     The Americans still have the opportunity to correct the situation and avoid confrontation: all they have to do is to hand over the killers of our heroes for trial in the Republic of Yemen. Otherwise, they will have to wait for our military response, which will inevitably come.

     We in the Republic of Yemen are a people of forty million fighters ready to go into battle, and the army is nothing more than the vanguard of this great nation.

     This battle expands our horizons and opens up opportunities at the national and regional levels as a whole.

     Fighting against the injustice perpetrated against our brotherly people in the Gaza Strip is one of the best jihads for God, and we cannot stop doing it.

     Our humanitarian, religious, moral and political responsibilities oblige us to support our people in Palestine.

     Any ship associated with the Zionist entity will not pass through the Red Sea, no matter the cost.

     Preventing the movement of the Zionist enemy is Yemen's option to ensure peace and a dignified life for our brotherly people in the Gaza Strip.

     If Americans are committed to defending the Zionist entity, then we are committed to defending the oppressed of this land.

     The Yank wags his thick lazy tongue about peace, but he is the one who insists on war and he is the one who blocked three UN Security Council resolutions that could have stopped the war in the Gaza Strip.

     Peace is achievable, starting with an end to the daily crimes in Gaza, an end to Zionist aggression and the American terrorism that supports it.


 Related news - Another Big Mother of a Coalition

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