Welcome to the Blog, an informed and impartial record of war losses, spoils of war, ghanima, trophies, loot, waste of life and materiel, horrors of war, etc., and lately also presenting our award-winning unabashed hard-hitting reporting on NATO and NATO proxy vehicular-, horse- and foot losses arising as a result of NATO's attempted war efforts, military operations and proxy campaigns
British Rust Bucket Tanks Blitzed: Destruction of British Challenger 2, at least SIX To Date: Live
To re-cap, destruction of the British Challenger 2 tank
Total, per OSINT alone: 6
Nov 27 -
Here are more pictures of an earlier destroyed British rust-bucket tank turning to rust. This was taken out in Kursk earlier and disintegrated in a massive explosion caused by a small drone.
Nov 13 - British tank Challenger 2 gets it in the ugly snout as a FPV drone attacks, knowing what crap these british turds are expect a total wipe out by way of catastrophic explosion
Oct 15 - British rust bucket tank piecemeal. she blew into smithereens.and she’s a new one. And please remember this british turd blew up into bits and pieces after just one small RPG seven grenade hit it.
At least three British Challenger 2 tanks were destroyed in August 2024 in the Kursk region where they attempted to operate after hiding up the Zelensky rear for a year since the last known destruction of the Challenger 2 tank in September 2023.
That's one blowing up spectacularly and throwing the turret.
That's two, knocked out, destroyed.
Of course, it's only on the outside that the penetration is small, inside it's an expanding cone of shaped charge, fragments and molten metal debris
And that is likely the number three Challenger 2 destroyed within a short span of time in the Kursk region.
Previously, from 2023, the first destroyed Challenger Crappinger 2
British rust bucket winter hibernation edition: Challenger 2 not fit even for scrap.
rust-bucket tanks are not only the worst in the world and easy to
destroy but they’re also too few and none of them are actually
more pictures of the Crappinger, still the same one whose destruction
was celebrated all over the world; others have not been seen, either
destroyed in the enemy rear where the Zelensky puppet government
exercises full control over all forms of communications and prohibits
social media postings of its destroyed weaponry under pain of death or
else the British regime repatriated their crap because doesn’t want the
world to see how defective these tanks are.
are still more pictures of the destroyed British challenger 2 tank and
these pictures clearly show that the turret was clearly knocked off the
tank as we reported earlier.
regards the fate of the other 10 or so British Challenger two tanks, it
is a mystery at this point. It is believed though that a number of them
have been destroyed at their base in Ukraine. It is also believed that
the British government and the British military have expressly forbidden
the Ukrainians from using their tanks in action for fear of them being
destroyed and found out basically as the crap that they are
Here are more pictures of the destroyed British rust bucket challenger 2 tank that made quite a splash earlier on.
First off, here’s British tank building school summed up in one picture
wrote and reported about this rusty British heap earlier on As follows:
Drone Pictures of destroyed British rust-bucket Challenger tank.
no hatch doors, no top of turret instruments, all out blown from inside
turret; turret torn out and shifted, all but tossed, turret disattached
from hull. Conclusion: penetration followed by catastrophic explosion
inside turret, blown ammo load, catastrophic kill, anyone inside killed
No evidence of blowout panels working.
Hey you was supposed to blow and not the hatches!
me for being so negative, but British do again seem to have designed
and built some utter garbage even by their lowly standards of
engineering excellence or lack thereof.
Per report tank was hit with Kornet ATGM, destroyed on first hit burned all night.
the point is the British Challenger 2 tank is as bad as any other NATO
or Western tank, and very likely the worst of all of them; likewise the
British are as shite a nation as any other in NATO and the EU and very
likely the shittiest of them all.
Also please keep in mind
the law of OSINT, if one is lost and verified by OSINT then at least
anywhere from 3 to 10 others are lost as well.
From social media
British propaganda is the most contemptible propaganda there is.
Actually one rumor we picked up has it the tank was operated by a crew of ex-British military.
our expert general Sokolowski says that one should remember that
Russian antitank weaponry has been designed specifically to target, and
to be most effective against, NATO armor assets, including American
British and German tanks and that’s what it’s doing and that’s what it
does best.
And as you can see it is very
effective. Where a t-64 tank might take three hits to kill, only one is
enough to kill the giant British rust bucket that is the Challenger 2
Wars are a result of lies. If wars can be started by lies, peace can be started by truth.
General K. Sokolowski (ret):
This project is dedicated To the People of Ukraine, as they continue their fight for freedom and against hordes of Zelensky regime oppressors, aka zeledogs, Banderites, Angloids, zogdogs, yank white trashists, europoos, and generally Western terrorists posing as NATO auxiliaries, NATO proxies, NATO regulars, combined forces of the 50+ great and small Satans of the United States, Britain, Canada, the EU and the entire West. You are on the right side of history and Victory will be yours! THE MORE ENEMIES, THE MORE FUN THE WAR. ON TO VICTORY!✌️
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Researching, recording and documenting NATO- and NATO proxies vehicular and manpower losses, NATO bomb damage assessment (NBDA), NATO proxy warfare, NATO war crimes, NATO crimes against humanity, NATO atrocities; also, OSINT, GUAM, GULF, MENA. Hopefully, information presented on this blog will eventually serve to strengthen the cause of peace.
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Information provided on this blog is not for propaganda or gloating but is for conflict research purposes only; specifically for purposes of research into NATO and NATO proxy operations and OSINT-estimated losses in materiel and personnel, NATO war crimes, NATO atrocities, NATO crimes against humanity, NATO perpetrated genocides, NATO perpetrated ecocides, etc. and thus is for strengthening the case for peace.
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There is another type of warfare—new in its intensity, ancient in its origin—war by guerrillas, subversives, insurgents, assassins; war by ambush instead of by combat, by infiltration instead of aggression, seeking victory by eroding and exhausting the enemy instead of engaging him. It preys on unrest.
De-Natoization of Europe and the World
De-Natoization = World Peace for Our Times
In Brief: NATO's Defeats and Non-Victories
✧ Yugoslavia, 1992-2004, failed campaign
✧ Serbia, 1999, failed campaign
✧ Libya, 2011, failed campaign
✧ Syria, 2011-ca.2019, NATO's proxy war in Syria, major defeat of NATO proxy forces by SAA and Allies
✧ Afghanistan, 2001-2021, decisive defeat, ousting of NATO from Afghanistan
✧ Ukraine, 2014-2022, NATO interference in civil war on the side of Kiev regime to recapture break-away Ukrainian Republics, major defeat
✧ Ukraine, 2022-20??, NATO's undeclared proxy war on Russia and Eastern Ukraine, total destruction and elimination of NATO in Europe, de-Natoization of Europe and World?
Hi, I'm General Cologne, a martial and combat arts expert, an independent special operations analyst, a private government-unaffiliated intelligence and counter-intelligence expert, a sometime PI, and generally a military researcher par excellence, specializing in the personnel and materiel losses, vehicular-, horse- and foot losses of the pacts of NATO, AUKUS, USUK, EU Army, forces of Five Eyes, Nine Eyes, Fourteen Eyes, 50+ Great and small Satans, and affiliated military structures and formations, regular and auxiliary. Please fund my research. Also, am ready for cooperation with all sides if remuneration is right, please make your proposals which will all be reviewed in due course and process with the decision made solely on the highest bidder basis.
Не слушайте его, у него работа такая — Путин
Не слушайте его, у него работа такая — Путин в ответ на слова Шохина, что
по заявлению Пескова его разговор с Трампом должен состояться в 18 часов
Геннадий Гудков
← Предыдущая версия Версия от 15:56, 18 марта 2025
(не показано 6 промежуточных версий этого же участника)
Строка 9: Строка 9:
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The war criminal and worldwide aggressor entity United States and the war criminal pacts of NATO and the EU must be made to pay "blood money" (restitution) to all who lost their loved ones on both sides of this US-, NATO- and EU instigated, sponsored and promoted conflict, with all principal leaders thereof facing either judicial or extra-judicial justice.
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