Friday, August 30, 2024

Live: MaxxPro Destruction- Disappearing MaxxPros Series No. 2

Live coverage: MaxxPro destruction 
[International MaxxPro MRAP is...] A fat-assed US design and build (developed after their own image), a big square vehicle designed to primarily intimidate under-armed opponents and unarmed civilians, in real near-peer action however which the US military has always been shirking since inception - and where it accidentally didn’t -was comprehensively trounced and kicked out like in Vietnam, hard to miss and easy to knock out.

General K. Sokolowski (retired)

August 30 - more MaxxPro, recent kills from along the frontline

August 02 - another International MaxxPro anticipates a liberating airborne RPG-7 grenade hit.

 What will the result be?

Rhetorical question...

Look (literally) for answers below

July 27 - another International MaxxPro, and -  lo and behold! - she's on her side against, a-resting no doubt, or taking that dirt nap


July 23 - another MaxxPro takes a dirt nap, "likes to keel over"


A bunch of June 2024 kills the American International MaxxPro MRAPS





June 17 - at least another 3 MaxxPro taken care of, new deliveries must have taken place and are now being burned through, as Western origin weaponry continues to be destroyed at a huge and never before seen daily rate, and the numbers of such destruction are limited only by their availability

June 9 - Another International MaxxPro destroyed with grenades dropped from a drone.

A fat-assed US design and build, a big square vehicle designed to primarily intimidate under-armed opponents and unarmed civilians, in real action however which the US military has always been shirking - and where it didn’t -was comprehensively trounced like in Vietnam, hard to miss and easy to knock out.

The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: Live: MaxxPro Destruction- Disappearing MaxxPros S...: Live coverage: MaxxPro destruction  ............. June 3 - a graveyard of destroyed MaxxPros crap mraps  Footage *** May 24, 2024 - new ba...


June 3 - a graveyard of destroyed MaxxPros crap mraps 



May 24, 2024 - new batch of US made crap mraps seems to have arrived primed for culling


April 1, 2024 - another MaxxPro taking a dirt nap on the side

More pictures of destroyed US built Maxx Pro crapwagons; some have been seen already and are repeats, provided for sake of completion; others are new

Our military expert, General Sokolowski (retd.), has the following criticism of these heaps on wheels: they have a large profile, meaning very tall and otherwise bulky and thus easy to spot and knock out from a distance; armor is insufficient protection against anything basically; they also tend to leave the crew or human load with life-changing injuries, when hit, even if not killed outright.

As destruction of inferior Western weaponry, armor and vehicles, old and new, continues unabated, here is another knocked out MaxxPro, U.S. built military vehicle costing tens of million of value-less dollars, one of likely hundreds if not over a thousand destroyed already by Russian forces and Ukrainian anti-Nato partisans, though MaxxPros  have become noticeably more scarce - nowhere near their peak destruction numbers of the spring and summer of 2023 and even before that.
Infer from this tidbit of information what you will. 
Our guest military expert, General Sokolowski (retd), says he believes probably the US master planners (whoever and wherever they are - certainly nowhere near the White House) have started hogging their weaponry and especially vehicles, if not actually withdrawing it from the Ukraine, so as to avoid more embarrassment and to mitigate the PR disaster of the whole world seeing so much destroyed American weaponry in one place and at one same time like never really before, which is to be sure also noted by many with a grudge against the US and other Western entities and their ruling elites and who are thus getting emboldened by the hour, and with good reason too.

Spreading military superiority propaganda and especially the myth of the "invincibility, amazing effectiveness and superiority of US made weaponry" is part of the US military doctrine (indeed as it was also part of the German Nazi Wehrmacht doctrine so many decades ago, etc.) whether actually articulated or just implicitly implied, and is meant to make it easier to subjugate nations around the world, to make them think that any resistance to the US creeping encroachment and outright aggression on the world is futile and to discourage people from ever finding out how easy it is to actually knock out US-made military assets and / or to kill US soldiery (as hundreds of US ex-military turned NATO auxiliaries in Ukraine have been killed to date), and, in the absence of such knowledge, to discourage any resistance and nip it in the bud, to keep them docile and unresistant in the face of the US rule.
But these and other pictures from the Ukraine go a long way to shattering and burying that myth, with grave implications for the future of the world-wide US hegemony.

Jan 2024

Here is another destroyed maxxpro vehicle.

As destruction of inferior Western weaponry, armor and vehicles, old and new, continues unabated, here is another knocked out MaxxPro, U.S. built military vehicle costing tens of million of value-less dollars, one of likely hundreds if not over a thousand destroyed already by Russian forces and Ukrainian anti-Nato partisans, though MaxxPros  have become noticeably more scarce - nowhere near their peak destruction numbers of the spring and summer of 2023 and even before that.
Infer from this tidbit of information what you will. 
Our guest military expert, General Sokolowski (retd), says he believes probably the US master planners (whoever and wherever they are - certainly nowhere near the White House) have started hogging their weaponry and especially vehicles, if not actually withdrawing it from the Ukraine, so as to avoid more embarrassment and to mitigate the PR disaster of the whole world seeing so much destroyed American weaponry in one place and at one same time like never really before, which is to be sure also noted by many with a grudge against the US and other Western entities and their ruling elites and who are thus getting emboldened by the hour, and with good reason too.

Spreading military superiority propaganda and especially the myth of the "invincibility, amazing effectiveness and superiority of US made weaponry" is part of the US military doctrine (indeed as it was also part of the German Nazi Wehrmacht doctrine so many decades ago, etc.) whether actually articulated or just implicitly implied, and is meant to make it easier to subjugate nations around the world, to make them think that any resistance to the US creeping encroachment and outright aggression on the world is futile and to discourage people from ever finding out how easy it is to actually knock out US-made military assets and / or to kill US soldiery (as hundreds of US ex-military turned NATO auxiliaries in Ukraine have been killed to date), and, in the absence of such knowledge, to discourage any resistance and nip it in the bud, to keep them docile and unresistant in the face of the US rule.
But these and other pictures from the Ukraine go a long way to shattering and burying that myth, with grave implications for the future of the world-wide US hegemony. 

As inferior Western weaponry, armor and vehicles continue to get destroyed in great numbers and at a huge rate, here’s another destroyed MaxxPro char-iot, though they seem to have largely disappeared and are nowhere near their peak destruction numbers of the past summer.


Two more knocked out MaxxPro on Route 66 road to Robotine.

Previously in this column

Another blazing MaxxPro

Our previous maxxpro content


Here it is, ladies and gents, next to some dumpsters is another captive maxx pro vehicle as displayed at some dump of destroyed western weaponry at the Russian artillery museum along with some destroyed domestic Ukrainian weaponry.

MaxxPri keeping company with some dumpsters aka garbage bins.

Our military expert, General Sokolowski (retd.), has the following criticism of these heaps on wheels: they have a large profile, meaning very tall and otherwise bulky and thus easy to spot and knock out from a distance; armor is insufficient protection against anything basically; they also tend to leave the crew or human load with life-changing injuries, when hit, even if not killed outright.

Hit the jump for our previous maxxpro contey

Another MaxxPro MRAP becomes easy prey for a drone, burns, as western made weaponry, especially American, continues to be destroyed in this conflict at a rate and in numbers never before seen not even during the Second World War.

Previous MaxxPro content 

Here is a bunch of destroyed MaxxPro things, at least three. 


- x1 

- x2

"We rollin'"

Incident on Route 66 road to Zepperoggio.

- x3

 Our military expert, General Sokolowski (retd.), has the following criticism of these heaps on wheels: they have a large profile, meaning very tall and otherwise bulky and thus easy to spot and knock out from a distance; armor is insufficient protection against anything basically; they also tend to leave the crew or human load with life-changing injuries, when hit, even if not killed outright.


Previous four maxxPro 

Here are x4 destroyed MaxxPro MRAP somewhere in Russia.



The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: Today's MaxxPro: Here is your today's destroyed MaxxPro heap, sits destroyed by a field somewhere south         The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: More M...


 The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: xx4 MaxxPro: Here are x4 destroyed MaxxPro MRAP somewhere in Russia.     The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: Today's MaxxPro : Here is your today'...

The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: Bunch of MaxxPros: Here is a bunch of destroyed MaxxPro things, at least three.    - x1 - x2 "We rollin'" Incident on Route 66 road to Zepperogg...

The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: More MaxxPro: Another MaxxPro MRAP becomes easy pray for a drone, burns, as western made weaponry, especially American, continues to be destroyed in this ... The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: Dumpster MaxxPro: Here it is, ladies and gents, next to some dumpsters is another captive maxx pro vehicle as displayed at some dump of destroyed western weap...

The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: MaxxPro Flambé: Another blazing MaxxPro Our previous maxxpro content ...   Here it is, ladies and gents, next to some dumpsters is another captive maxx pro ...

The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: Disappearing MaxxPros: As inferior Western weaponry, armor and vehicles continue to get destroyed in great numbers and at a huge rate, here’s another destroyed Max... The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: Live: MaxxPro Destruction- Disappearing MaxxPros: Live coverage: MaxxPro destruction  More pictures of destroyed US built Maxx Pro crapwagons; some have been seen already and are repeats, pr... The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: Live: MaxxPro Destruction- Disappearing MaxxPros: Live coverage: MaxxPro destruction  ............. April 1, 2024 - another MaxxPro taking a dirt nap on the side   ***   More pictures of des...

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