Sunday, July 10, 2022

Valhalla Calls, Beckons to NATO Proxies in Ukraine

Ukrainian and Western NATO proxies appear to continue to suffer heavy casualties in fighting in Ukraine amounting, per our expert estimates, to at least 2 to 3 thousand per day in killed in action alone.

Ukrainian and Western NATO proxies appear to continue to suffer heavy casualties in fighting in Ukraine amounting, per our expert estimates, to at least 2 to 3 thousand per day in killed in action alone

"Valhalla (a)waits", says the patch... it's a bit presumptuous of them to profess to know what awaits them posthumously.

In other words, they are hoping it will be Valhalla and not something else entirely.

On the other hand, it's not for us to judge them in this little matter, they have served their purpose and it's not for us to know what that purpose is or was in their cases... or even in our own, for that matter, or if there is a purpose.

Having said that, dying as Nato cannon fodder for waning white Western Anglo interests seems to be a very stupid way of determining one's life.

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