Thursday, July 7, 2022

Civilian Killed in Donetsk by Indiscriminate Zelensky Regime Shelling Using Western Supplied Artillery in More NATO-, US- and EU Sponsored War Crimes In Ukraine

Even as the British war criminal Boris Johnson resigns as PM, which is unlikely to save him from retribution for his war crimes, indiscriminate shelling by Ukrainian Zelensky regime military using Western supplied artillery kills another civilian, a middle-aged woman, in Donetsk in east of country in further evidence of barbaric Ukrainian Zelensky regime war crimes, crimes against humanity and atrocities sponsored by the war criminal nations of the United States, Britain, etc. and the war criminal pacts of NATO and the EU.

A middle-aged woman is killed in Donetsk by Zelensky's Ukrainian military indiscriminate shelling using Western supplied artillery even as the British war criminal Johnson resigns as PM which is likely to be a sham Tory palace coup as part of a long-term plan for Johnson to evade punishment for British war crimes in Ukraine.

Info per Donetsk Mayor Kulemzin



A catalog of Ukrainian, NATO, British, EU, etc. crimes in Ukraine

NATO's crimes against humanity

Nato atrocities

British crimes against humanity

British war crimes

Ukrainian atrocities

crimes of Ukrainian regime


It is worth keeping tabs on these as they will be updated.

Also it will be part of our submission and application to the International Criminal Court at Hague, Netherlands.

And in fact, by virtue of stating, declaring and publishing this here, it does hereby become such.

The International Criminal Court at Hague must be made to investigate every report of Ukrainian, EU and NATO crimes herein mentioned or, if it fails to so do, it will itself be culpable in these crimes by NATO, EU and the Zelensky Regime Ukraine, and ICC officials could and will be made accountable and be punishable too, either in due process or extra-judicially by direct punishing action.

The scope of US-, NATO-, EU- and Britain sponsored Ukrainian Zelensky military crimes against humanity in Ukraine is such that the war criminals Biden, Johnson, Stoltenberg and Zelensky will almost certainly also face either indictment for war crimes, crimes against humanity, atrocities or maybe even extra-judicial direct punishing action by special forces of the Republics to bring them to justice at the time of the Republics' choosing.


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