Tuesday, July 19, 2022

MSM Reports Swedish Officer Killed in Ukraine as Nato Proxy Militant

 SVT, a Swedish outlet, reports a Swedish lieutenant operating as a Nato proxy has been killed in the DPR.

Svensk man as dead as a dodo doedad. 

Last time the Russians and/or their Ukrainian allies killed Swedes was in 1709 when Karl 12th of Sweden was routed in the battle of Poltava... which is not that far from the current place, imagine that, long time no kill.

Though this is only the first publicly reported Swedish Nato proxy militant casualty, earlier the Russian MoD reported five Swedish militants killed to mid-July.

Uniquely, if through no choice of their own, elements of the DPR and LPR People's militias get to kill members of the most nationalities of NATO proxies, mainly Western or Western hemisphere, including so far Dutch, Danish, American, French, Australian, lots of Georgians and other Baltics with unpronounceable country names, Polish, German, Czech, and now Swedish too, proof of which can be found on this blog filed under NATO cannon fodder and other labels, but above all - and in the greatest numbers - British also taking many nationalities of prisoners, including British again.

Here is hoping there will be more as weapon wielding blood-thirsty NATO proxies do need to be killed and the more the merrier, and it's a great service that the L/DPR people's militias are doing to the world ridding the same of surplus vermin who chose not to live peacefully in their little patchwork Europe, not to mention that killing wanton NATO proxies is an act of ultimate love for humanity.

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