Sunday, July 3, 2022

German PzH 2000 Artillery Destroyed in Ukraine

A report says a German PzH 2000 self-propelled artillery piece supplied to the NATO trained militancy of the self-styled Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) has been knocked out of action.

German PzH 2000 self-propelled artillery supplied to the NATO trained militancy of the self-styled Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) has been knocked out of action

The report says it was taken out by elements of the DPR People's militias using a captured German Panzerfaust 3... 


Natoids must have their little victories... even when it means one piece of their shitty weaponry is destroyed by a piece of their other crappy weaponry... so let's let them have it.




But DPR People's Militias have certainly captured huge amounts of NATO shoulder fired weaponry, including the Panzerfaust 3.

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