Friday, July 14, 2023

Choosing Life Over Death for NATO

We have noticed OSINT evidence of increased numbers of frontline Zelenskyite troops refusing to die for NATO and the Zelensky regime, disobeying orders to advance and in some cases choosing life in Russian captivity over dying as NATO cannon fodder. 

There is also some anecdotal evidence of Zelenskyites changing sides and siding with Russia.

This comes as no surprise, as Zelenskyite and foreign mercenary manpower losses are truly horrendous, with some estimates even suggesting over 400k Zelenskyite killed, a further 900k wounded and 10-30k foreign mercenaries and undeclared foreign military (Polish) killed as well.


This should be very worrying for NATO and the Western Pact because our intel indicates that the Russians are very upset that they have to kill so many Ukrainians on the provocation of NATO and that there is a growing feeling that NATO and Western Pact entities should be dealt with harshly and punished severely in kind and in comparable numbers for this unnecessary loss of life after the war in Ukraine ends, which would never have happened but for Western interference.

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