Friday, February 10, 2023

US NATO Militant About to Be Claimed by Missile

The moment Pete Reed, a former US Marine and a veteran of the US illegal occupation of Afghanistan, who may or may not have been operating as a "combat medic", was taken by a missile, and a military clad Weejun was also wounded in the buttocks.

It has also been suggested that Pete Reed was actually a high ranking US military intelligence officer on the ground in Ukraine posing as a "medic".

Anyway some fellow military goon chatter. In a nutshell, "shock and awe".



What's telling is this phrase: "felt physically sick for the first time dealing with a death".

Goon didn't feel "physically sick dealing with deaths" when he was the one doing all the killing in Afghanistan, Iraq... etc. etc. ... what comes around, goes around. Nothing is undeserved.

Thanks for the missile ID.

More from the taking of Pete Reed and Weejun wounding

weejun wounds

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