Thursday, November 10, 2022

Kilo Killed and Unreported by Western MSM: Another American Militant Went Home to Be with Whoever as Foreign NATO Proxy Militant Losses Mount - UPD

Per reports, the death of another US NATO proxy militant has been acknowledged as happening on October 5, 2022.

Who's dog meat now?

US Army Captain Paul "Kilo" Kim is reported to have been killed as far back as on October 5 while attempting to invade Nikolaev region in Ukraine alongside other NATO proxy militants.


There is a noticeable lack of interest in the death of this one in the US and other Anglo countries MSM though he could be the highest ranking US officer killed in Ukraine to date, being a US Army captain.

We are guessing Western government-run MSM are only concerned about white Anglo types killed in Ukraine and don't give a fuck about some naturalized or first-generation American East Asians which is of course not at all surprising but still worthy of a note on the margins.


Poetry Corner on the FOWAG:

Then send your numbers without number,
Your madden’d sons, your goaded slaves,
In Russia’s plains there’s room to slumber,
And well they’ll know their brethren’s graves!

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