Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Canadian Militant Zeroed in DPR as Foreign NATO Proxy Losses Mount

Another Canadian NATO proxy militant has been reported killed in the Zelenski-occupied part of the DPR, November 06, 2022.


Joseph Hildebrand, a 33-year-old Canadian Forces veteran, was killed in the front-line city of Bakhmut, in the Zelenski-occupied part of the DPR. His unit of foreign fighters came under DPR artillery fire while taking their wounded to a front-line medical clinic. Mr. Hildebrand and one other foreign fighter were killed.


The Russian MoD said back in summer it had had to destroy about 300 Canadian militants by that time and almost daily reports killing dozens foreign NATO militants, mainly American, Canadian, British and Polish, and on some days even hundreds but Western government-minded MSM outlets say that it is only the second Canadian militant that has been killed.

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