Saturday, September 10, 2022

Heavy Losses Inflicted on Ukrainian and Foreign NATO Proxies at Kharkov

Some hundreds or event thousands of Ukrainian and foreign militant NATO proxies are reported to be attempting some sort of offensive action in the south-eastern Kharkov region but are suffering heavy losses both in personnel and materiel while achieving scarce and fluid results.

What's more, it's becoming clear now that, during Zelenski's latest half-assed "offensive" in east of country, Ukrainian AFUs and foreign NATO proxies are being lured from under the protective umbrella of their remaining artillery and AA facilities into killing fields and abandoned settlements whose inhabitants fled to Russia, and literally thousands of them have been already killed in artillery- and airstrikes and the hunting and killing is continuing unabated at the time of this writing.


NATO's proxies taking refreshing dirt naps before rising and shining again. Wherever. Surely not in Valhalla though?

Psilocybin says "in the largest frame, everything is (just) fine".

Hopefully they have enough supplies of Pervitin to last them through this and what's coming next.


On a more serious note, casualty rate in the Ukrainian and foreign NATO proxy units taking part in their blitz in Kharkov region, is estimated from 60 to 90 percent across various frontline units, with some units totally destroyed, or 1/2 to 2/3 of a total force about 15000 strong. 

Reports are also in of many high profile Ukrainian Natoids and foreign militants killed.

The Natoid inbred degenerate below says 22 killed in his squad and is boasting that he is only 1 of the 5 survivors.

Reports are of at least 5,000 killed across a number selected units. 


Right sector (flag) Natoid storm troopers turned fertilizer

 More losses




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