Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Trump Nearly Assassinated Ear Clipped in Botched Head Shot

July 14, 2024 - In a scene eerily reminiscent of the 1973 Day of the Jackal movie, Trump is nearly assassinated by a rooftop shootist going for a head shot.


Worryingly though, says our expert, General Sokolowski (Retd) who is also an assassinations expert and has analysed many of them and carried out a few assassinations himself in his youth, the shootist is almost immediately killed by Secret Service agents returning fire with multiple shots which suggests that he was in full view of those secret service agents and raises the possibility that they have been in on the act and were instructed to eliminate the perpetrator after - but not before - the fact the fact being a successful assassination of the presidential election candidate and former president Donald Trump.

Further, general Sokolowski notes, the shootist was not only in full view of the Secret Service agents including snipers w/ tripod and telescopic sights and what not but also in their crosshairs apparently... and still they let them take at least five shots before returning fire. 

The conclusion is obvious and it cannot be wrong.

Also, as general Sokolowski notes, going for a headshot is not necessarily the hallmarks of an inexperienced amateur / loner type shooter. 
Rather it could indicate someone who was expecting Donald Trump to be wearing a suit of light weight body armor.

Still if the shooter had used dumdum or explosive bullets it would’ve been a kill notwithstanding the near miss.

Ladies and gents, we have witnessed a ruling elite assassination attempt on presidential hopeful and former president Donald Trump. 

General Sokolowski  thinks that this act bears all the indicia of a CIA sponsored and orchestrated assassination using a fall guy possibly without his knowledge but thankfully  botched as per most frequent. Or failing that, it can only be the FBI that's behind it.

End of investigations.

Exhibits of artefacts used in our analysis

US Secret Service flag

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