Friday, May 24, 2024 in Moscow: M2 Bradley in Moscow in Moscow: M2 Bradley in Moscow:  Here is one of many captured M2 Bradley chariots in Moscow as an exhibit at Dead Iron Expo in Moscow Full-size versions of these pictures a...

 Borrowed from above and quoting with our commentary:



 Here is one of many captured M2 Bradley chariots in Moscow as an exhibit at Dead Iron Expo in Moscow

Full-size versions of these pictures and more on Shutterstock - a must buy.

Bradley add-on armor, BRAT or something, has been removed for certain purposes... maybe to sell to interested buyers in China or Iran or North Korea or whoever else secretly.

Looks awesome but seen from afar easy to knock out with anything basically, the rpg-7 loves it

Huge numbers destroyed in the two Iraq wars, upwards of 300 units, even more have already been knocked in the Ukraine conflict, a dozen captured by the Russians.


The rear looks inviting... wouldn't you like to violate it with an rpg-7? Ha. ha.

Looks fearsome but far from fearless - easy to spot from a distance, easy to knock out and mop up the fleeing crew and ferried troops.

 in Moscow: M1 Abrams: Here is an M1 Abrams tank something or other... but there is a catch... this one is in Moscow at Dead Iron Expo May 2024 Full size pictures ...

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