Friday, December 15, 2023

Q Brigades In Gaza Action

 Footage Shows Qassam Brigades in action in the Gaza Strip resisting the IDF both on and under the ground,  including multiple attacks on tanks both on the ground and underground in the tunnels, some Ghanima displayed.

Fighting enters its seventieth day. 

In other words, if the IDF and The Israeli political leadership hoped to make this another six day war, they obviously have not succeeded.

In the 60s the Israelis were able to defeat the combined forces of most of the Arab states in just six days but now it has taken them already more than seventy days to fight Hamas with its few thousand fighters with as yet uncertain and fluid results, and this after dropping over 20k bombs and decimating the civilian population.

Hard to avoid the conclusion that Israel’s days or maybe years are numbered as the IDF has been exposed as something of a joke good only to kill unarmed civilians, rather like other “top” Western militaries in their many post-ww2 campaigns.

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