Thursday, April 6, 2023

NATO Top Secret Intel For All to See But Nothing Really to See

UPD: Please note, that while the US government pretends to raise a huge stink about this dump of Pentagon dox, there is nothing in them that is valuable or that significant - true there are some minor insights but the for the most part the dox relay, and are based on, the Zelenskyite government propaganda or on bogus numbers from one idiot "osinter" called O**x; and the intel section is nothing but hearsay and fairy tales, or even deliberate disinfo, from Kiev with no sources in Russia.

Their only value, and an embarrassment to the US government, is to show how little the US government and military know about the real state of things in Ukraine, for example, that they don't realize Zelenskyite losses are already over a million pax.

Original post begins:

Here is alleged NATO's top secret intel doing rounds now on the internet

One explanation for the provenance of this intel is the Kinzhal strike on Kiev in early March 2023 which, according to some conjectures, may have destroyed a shadow NATO High Command in Ukraine, the real-master planners of the Zelenskyite campaign, hiding in a hardened facility, resulting in maybe even hundreds killed high-ranking NATO officers and officials.

Someone could have picked up these in the ruins.

Whether genuine or not, accurate or not, leaked, stolen or planted, one thing is certain it's pretty stupid like everything NATO and Western militaries do and are able to generate. 

What else can you expect from an alliance that has lost every war and only recently was defeated in Afghanistan after a 20 year-long illegal occupation?

I can't be bothered looking at it but you go ahead if you feel like parsing this - using the English language's most frequent word - shit.

What's more, it all seems to be based on Zelenskyite government propaganda and the doctored numbers for the collection of one idiot Dutch basturd Osinter, O**x.

Having said that, here is Western special forces roster in Ukraine as at March 1, 2023 - 97 NATO SOFs, 14 from the US but 50 (!) British, Britain seems to be really asking for something, as is Latvia.

Also, 100 regular civilian- military yanks in Ukraine only.



Some may have lost their patches already

One explanation for the provenance of this intel is the Kinzhal strike on Kiev in early March 2023 which, according to some conjectures, may have destroyed a shadow NATO High Command in Ukraine, the real-master planners of the Zelenskyite campaign, hiding in a hardened facility, resulting in maybe even hundreds killed high-ranking NATO officers and officials.

So this could be picked up by somebody in the ruins.

More from same dump, this is for Feb 23

Zelenskyite air defense is about to run out, as capable Soviet designed systems have been or about to be taken out or run out of ammo, and Western replacements turn out to be ineffective and don't work either than by falling on ground and killing civilians.

"Why are JDAMs failing?" 

Because they are US-designed and made weaponry.

You have to read between the lines here, given the assertions in the text, JDAMs are highly likely to be 100% ineffective, even more so than the rest of the non-functioning US weaponry in Ukraine.

The US weaponry is a big bluff that has been now seen in Ukraine, it's near totally useless. 

Which probably means that the military might of the US is way overinflated and the American entity can be taken down with bare hands by any of the big players such as China or India even in a head to head war.

More US military shit-for-brain stupidity, all based on Zelenskyite propaganda numbers


Isn't the US government yank the stupidest animal alive on the planet?

And now as stupid as it gets

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