Friday, June 17, 2022

Foreign Mercenary and NATO Proxy Militant in Ukraine Tally by Russian MoD for Americas and Rest of World

Here is your tally of foreign mercenaries aka NATO proxy militants in Ukraine for Feb 24 thru June 17, 2022 for the Americas and the rest of the world minus Europe, according to the Russian MoD.

Highlights: as at June 17, 2022, and according to the Russian MoD, destroyed in Ukraine are: 162 Canadian militants, 214 United States militants, 120 militants from Georgia, 9 from Israel and only 2 Aussies, although that doesn't probably mean that Aussies are the most intellectually endowed of the sorry "Anglo-Saxon" lot but they might as well be.

In sum, 1956 foreign Nato proxies have been killed so far in Ukraine from the Americas and rest of the world, per this report, and another 1250 of those from Europe.


Thank you, Mr. Stoltenbug!

Thank you for your mass supplies of Nato cannon fodder.

Uniquely, if through no choice of their own, elements of the DPR and LPR People's militias get to kill members of the most nationalities of NATO proxies, mainly Western or Western hemisphere, including so far Dutch, Danish, American, French, Australian, lots of Georgians and other Baltics with unpronounceable country names, Polish, German, Czech, proof of which can be found on this blog filed under NATO cannon fodder and other labels, but above all - and in the greatest numbers - British also taking many nationalities of prisoners, including British again, Croat, Moroccan, and even a Serb or two.

Although we are strictly neutral in all of this, and our interest is defined solely by our expertise in, and focus and concentration on, NATO military losses in the world and NATO's sorry existence riddled with defeats and failures, here is nonetheless hoping that there will be more foreign militants killed in Ukraine as weapon-wielding blood-thirsty NATO proxies do need to be killed and the more the merrier, and it's a great service that the L/DPR people's militias are doing to the world ridding the same of surplus vermin who chose not to live peacefully in their little patchwork Europe on in their fly-blown Western hemisphere states, not to mention that killing wanton NATO proxies is an act of love for humanity and there is always room for more love.

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