Welcome to the Blog, an informed and impartial record of war losses, spoils of war, ghanima, trophies, loot, waste of life and materiel, horrors of war, etc., and lately also presenting our award-winning unabashed hard-hitting reporting on NATO and NATO proxy vehicular-, horse- and foot losses arising as a result of NATO's attempted war efforts, military operations and proxy campaigns
British Royal Marines Commandos Killed As More NATO Special Forces Taken Out In Ukraine
It seems that more regular NATO member-state special forces have been taken out in Ukraine as part of ongoing de-NATOization, specifically a number of British special forces and not for the first time either - this time Royal Marines Commandos.
The patch aka shoulder flash can be parsed as Royal Marines Commando, can it not?
Close enough?
Deus vult.
They, or what's left of them, were found in this motley band of various forces, Ukrainian NATO proxy and foreign, all special forces, mind you, British RMC, Ukrainian SSO Special Operations forces and maybe Nato special forces as well.
That's one ugly prophecy-fulfilling patch. Call yourself "dead head",
end up as one... not that it matters much in the grand scheme of things
and in the final analysis... but still.
Wars are a result of lies. If wars can be started by lies, peace can be started by truth.
General K. Sokolowski (ret):
This project is dedicated To the People of Ukraine, as they continue their fight for freedom and against hordes of Zelensky regime oppressors, aka zeledogs, Banderites, Angloids, zogdogs, yank white trashists, europoos, and generally Western terrorists posing as NATO auxiliaries, NATO proxies, NATO regulars, combined forces of the 50+ great and small Satans of the United States, Britain, Canada, the EU and the entire West. You are on the right side of history and Victory will be yours! THE MORE ENEMIES, THE MORE FUN THE WAR. ON TO VICTORY!✌️
Oldest OSINT blog in the World! We're original inventors of World Citizen's OSINT blogging!
Been At It Since the 1982 Malvinas War and Since 2009 in Internet Blog format (tho' our early pre-2013 ground-breaking content, while archived and stored elsewhere, isn't available now on here for purposes of security and for other pertinent reasons)
Please contribute to our slush fund / Сбор на нужды СВО
Researching, recording and documenting NATO- and NATO proxies vehicular and manpower losses, NATO bomb damage assessment (NBDA), NATO proxy warfare, NATO war crimes, NATO crimes against humanity, NATO atrocities; also, OSINT, GUAM, GULF, MENA. Hopefully, information presented on this blog will eventually serve to strengthen the cause of peace.
Please don't forget to donate, NATO won't pacify itself, you know, it needs our help
Article 19, Universal Declaration of Human Rights 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Article 10, European Convention on Human Rights 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.
Information provided on this blog is not for propaganda or gloating but is for conflict research purposes only; specifically for purposes of research into NATO and NATO proxy operations and OSINT-estimated losses in materiel and personnel, NATO war crimes, NATO atrocities, NATO crimes against humanity, NATO perpetrated genocides, NATO perpetrated ecocides, etc. and thus is for strengthening the case for peace.
For regular coverage to resume, please support blog
There is another type of warfare—new in its intensity, ancient in its origin—war by guerrillas, subversives, insurgents, assassins; war by ambush instead of by combat, by infiltration instead of aggression, seeking victory by eroding and exhausting the enemy instead of engaging him. It preys on unrest.
De-Natoization of Europe and the World
De-Natoization = World Peace for Our Times
In Brief: NATO's Defeats and Non-Victories
✧ Yugoslavia, 1992-2004, failed campaign
✧ Serbia, 1999, failed campaign
✧ Libya, 2011, failed campaign
✧ Syria, 2011-ca.2019, NATO's proxy war in Syria, major defeat of NATO proxy forces by SAA and Allies
✧ Afghanistan, 2001-2021, decisive defeat, ousting of NATO from Afghanistan
✧ Ukraine, 2014-2022, NATO interference in civil war on the side of Kiev regime to recapture break-away Ukrainian Republics, major defeat
✧ Ukraine, 2022-20??, NATO's undeclared proxy war on Russia and Eastern Ukraine, total destruction and elimination of NATO in Europe, de-Natoization of Europe and World?
Hi, I'm General Cologne, a martial and combat arts expert, an independent special operations analyst, a private government-unaffiliated intelligence and counter-intelligence expert, a sometime PI, and generally a military researcher par excellence, specializing in the personnel and materiel losses, vehicular-, horse- and foot losses of the pacts of NATO, AUKUS, USUK, EU Army, forces of Five Eyes, Nine Eyes, Fourteen Eyes, 50+ Great and small Satans, and affiliated military structures and formations, regular and auxiliary. Please fund my research. Also, am ready for cooperation with all sides if remuneration is right, please make your proposals which will all be reviewed in due course and process with the decision made solely on the highest bidder basis.
Кир стармер,...моль бледная...
Сэр Кир Стармер предупредил Владимира Путина, что «мир смотрит за ним» и
России придется сесть за стол переговоров.Моль бледная,...чистая Вероника
The 'golden age' of couture
По ситуации в Курской области. 15.03.2025
[image: photo_2025-03-14_22-17-43.jpg]
*По ситуации в Курской области. 15.03.2025*
В освобожденных районах Курской области начался активный процесс
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The Curious Case of Mahmoud Khalil
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*May 4, 2023*
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YouGov poll
Today's Telegraph publishes the results of a YouGov poll on red trousers
And the Guardian's response is here (written by soi-disant "English
The war criminal and worldwide aggressor entity United States and the war criminal pacts of NATO and the EU must be made to pay "blood money" (restitution) to all who lost their loved ones on both sides of this US-, NATO- and EU instigated, sponsored and promoted conflict, with all principal leaders thereof facing either judicial or extra-judicial justice.
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