Saturday, September 9, 2023

British Swims With Fishes

British swims with the fishes without aid of arms and goes to sleep in their company: Another British mercenary dies in Ukraine and is found in water with hands tied behind back.

Infer from it what you will but the early consensus of opinion is that he was suicided either but his fellow militants or by Ukrainian military or by enraged locals or whoever else.

Also, the MO is a known Method of execution favoured by Zelensky Tonton Macoutes. 

Some numbers of British have been killed, volunteer militants as well as apparently some regular military on clandestine ops, like Hereford ASS, or other elite forces, evidence of which can be found on blog if you use labels or search it otherwise for relevant key words.

The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: British Bites Bullet x2. Jolly Good!: British government controlled MSM tearfully report another sob story.  But we, on the other hand, are not controlled by the British (or any ...

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