Thursday, August 31, 2023

British Bites Bullet x2. Jolly Good!

British government controlled MSM tearfully report another sob story. 

But we, on the other hand, are not controlled by the British (or any other) government, so we tell it like it is: Another British bites the bullet in Russia or whatever it was that hit him. 

The world is rid of another NATO mercenary posing deceitfully as a “volunteer”, whilst brandishing automatic weapons in selfies and other photos, and that can only be a jolly good thing and a Socratic divine sign portending peace as world peace is surely drawing nearer with every destroyed NATO asset, wheeled, tracked or biped, as the case may be.

Another prominent British, Daniel Burke, ex-para, founder of “Dark Angels”, who was wanted on terrorism charges by Turkey, of all things, went missing near frontline and has been missing for a month at this writing with hopes growing that he too had what was coming to him. 

Some numbers of British have been killed, volunteer militants as well as apparently some regular military on clandestine ops, like Hereford ASS, or other elite forces, evidence of which can be found on blog if you use labels or search it otherwise for relevant key words. 

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