The war in Ukraine has already imposed devastating losses on the foreign mercenaries a.k.a. militants in Ukraine: over 300 OSINT verified militants killed in action to date. But information on foreign militants killed in Ukraine is very often suppressed either by relatives or by involved governments for certain reasons of their own and thus not easily parsed by OSINT; and therefore the real number and the actual number of killed foreign militants is surely in the thousands if not tens of thousands already.
And that’s not counting regular western military on clandestine or covert ops or advisors, substantial numbers of whom have also been killed, including very high-ranking ones, even one or two retired Nato generals.
(Here is a side note. As literally thousands of Palestinian civilians are being killed every day by the IDF with impunity in stand-off aerial and artillery bombardments even as we speak and certainly at the time of this writing, have you had any news of any western volunteers gathering to go there to protect the Palestinian civilian population from the genocide unleashed on them by the IDF? Which already - in three weeks or so - surpasses the civilian death toll in the Ukraine conflict over nearly two years? No? So we are guessing it wasn’t the desire to protect civilians that attracted some hundreds of mainly Western and nato country militants to Ukraine, contrary to what Western propaganda would have you to believe, So the penny drops these western militants are not motivated by any genuine concern for the innocent human lives, for the protection of civilians, for peace or justice or anything else of that nature; they are surely motivated only by their greed and by their hatred of the Russians basically which makes it okay for the Russians or for the Russian military to destroy them as fast as possible and in as many numbers as possible, And it is surely for the benefit of the world and humanity otherwise Gods would not have allowed it let alone to have facilitated it as they seem to do, generally favoring Russia in its tussles with the West)
Anyways, more superannuated North American military is disposed of in the meat grinder that is the war in Ukraine, representing in the death contest the US entity and Canada.
When the conflict ends, the US will have to pay Russia for waste management and garbage disposal.
Also, our expert General Sokolowski (Retd) notes, even as white trash cuckolds get themselves killed in the Ukraine in droves, their wives and daughters are blacked back at home.
And another Canadian kill. Western militants like posing as paramedics for some reason. Likely they think it’s safer for them and increases their chance of survival on the battlefield, also allows them to keep away from it while still claiming their combat-grade pay and bonuses.
Another Canadian kill, an Austin Bercier
As per usual, the little runt was ex-military, Canadian, and seeing as Western militaries were all involved in the illegal aggressions and occupations of nations like Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc., killing millions of people mainly civilians, the world and humanity are well rid of him.
And another dead Aussie
Fart well, Joel.
As another milestone is hit regarding dead foreign militants, the most entertainment (of a sordid variety) was provided by the following five (nut) cases:
1. Grigory Tsekhmistrenko (Canada) and Daniel Swift (USA). Killed in a firefight with a stray dog.
They set off to reinforce a position at Bagmut as a group of 4 people (Greg Tsekhmistrenko, Dan Swift, "Mikki" the Romanian, and Lubomir Golub), a stray dog followed them and they shot it (of course). But the dead dog had the last laugh. The sound of gunfire alerted some Zelenskyite troops who readily mistook them for Wagner PMCs, unloaded on them with everything they had and lobbed multiple grenades at them, killing all three, or is it four, as a result.
2. Daniel Burke (UK) and Jordan Chadwick (UK). Both British were killed by their own.
Burke was killed by fellow Australian mercenary Nurin Abdelfetah (sp?) during a robbery gone wrong (or maybe just right). Chadwick was tortured to death by his commanding officer during an initiation rite to join the 50/50 mercenary unit.
3. Joshua “Jesus” Jones (USA) and Dominic Abelen (New Zealand). Killed in an idiotic assault on their own side.
During some fighting for Pavlovka, the two dummies volunteered to show a master class in trench assault. They led a team of 5 mercenaries aka Western militants to a position, misread the map and fired on some Ukrainian military. Then they misread the map again and confused the place of the assault, ending up in a fire trap fired upon by all sides. In the ensuing battle, group commander Abelen promptly stopped a bullet with his head, the group was fired upon by a Ukrainian bmp ifv (the same Ukrainians that the mercenaries had previously fired upon themselves), Jones was badly wounded and was left to bleed to death and be picked up by Russians, already dead.
4. Pete Reed (USA), got to be a star in his own snuff movie, and one of the most thrilling.
Former US military and CEO of a large NGO, highly likely a career intelligence officer, starred in of one of the most lurid SMO videos. He came to Bagmut to shoot a promo reel, upon arrival immediately rushed to take a photo at scene of his then future death, the place turned out to be in Wagner PMC crosshairs and the operator did not miss with an ATGM once some enemy activity was detected. The entire proceedings were captured by a dash cam.
A British militant with the call sign "Scotty" (UK). Dispersed into atoms or is it molecules.
Five times western militants and Ukrainian military tried to recover his body from no man’s land which was distant re-mined by Russians after each previous attempt. After using all manner of meat hooks and ropes to pull his body and setting off explosive charges to demine the corpse, the persistent buggers barely managed to scrape up enough material for dna testing.
In the meantime, two recent kills, Australian and American pet social media account of some one tracking foreign militants.
49 American militants are known by name to have been killed in Ukraine but the actual number is over 500 dead American militants alone.
Hit jump for our previous western militant content
Another British is said to have been neutralised in Ukraine. The report says he was seconded to the Ukrainian special military intelligence service, GUR, So may have been not just a volunteer foreign militant but serving British military, or special services like Hereford ASS or one of the boat people. Unverified at this point but a tunic in British camo is clearly visible and an aquascutum scarf.
And here is an update to our Digest of killed Western militants a.k.a. mercenaries in Ukraine and this batch includes three, two American one British, one of the Americans was a naturalised American citizen of Ukrainian origin the other was just some nobody, both were ex-US military. The British was also ex British military, Was someone called something like “Pezz” Perryman and was a bit of a low-key celebrity by virtue of at least one article penned and published about him in some British magazine maybe spectator or some asswipe like that. So as you can see all three of them were - again and true to type - ex-military and you can say that they got exactly what they have been training for that is an early violent death. And we wonder if it’s right here that you say served them right.

“Pezz” Perryman, British military, tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan - both were illegal wars of Western aggression and occupation of course that killed literally millions of people mainly civilians.., so what’s not to like about this one - Russia is again cleansing the world of some choicest Western vermin.Well killed!
Pezz was so full of Britishness. Cue: crocodile tears.
Let’s not shed tears about these primitive characters as volunteer for pay militants and wanna-be killers should not excite our pity, they are better off dead anyway, and basically the world is well rid of another bunch of white trashists And/or their poor euro aka euro trash equivalents who voluntarily, of their own free will and volition, go to kill for profit and maybe out of visceral hate for the Russians too, and they don’t give a flying fuck about Ukraine or peace or freedom or anything else.
And, as our guest expert Gen Sokolowski (retd) points out, they do hate the Russians because Russia is the only civilization to never have been conquered or colonized or even defeated in a conflict by the collective or separate Western entities, and especially by the Anglos, Huns or Gauls and not for lack of trying either, this hatred is in their blood and imbibed with their mother’s milk and the only cure seems to be a dose of lead or whatever is the preferred agent now or whatever it was did the job in the case at hand re: picrels.
Foreign mercenaries prepare to go home in threes, wearing wooden costumes and flag rags
And here is another euro trashist, a foreign militant from Sweden well killed, he has been identified as somebody called Johan “Swede Skit” Fredriksson who was posing as a sniper, killed on October 10, 2023.
And another American militant killed in Ukraine, Derek Thien Tran, ex-US military, but not white trash per se because of Vietnamese origin but other than that fits the profile of the killed American militant in Ukraine, who make up the largest group of killed foreign mercenaries in Ukraine, most of them ex-US military.
One is forced to conclude that US military training is liable to get you killed, and is a major precursor of, and a contributing factor to, an early violent death, whether it’s good or bad is again not for us to know.
Here is more in the way of those Foreign Western militants come to harm in Ukraine or in Russia’s new territories, as the case may be, or whichever is your preference, some of them are still fresh kills while others are a bit stale or more to the point long decomposed.
A German militant, This is an April 2023 kill, dead and buried, as the phrase is but literally.
This tunic is all that remains of a Belgian Dutch speaking mercenary, maybe it says Van Der Stuyft.
An American militant
And another American militant

Let’s not shed tears about those characters, volunteer for pay militants and wanna-be killers should not excite our pity, they are better off dead anyway, and basically the world is well rid of another bunch of white trashists And/or their poor euro aka euro trash equivalents who voluntarily, of their own free will and volition, go to kill for profit and maybe out of visceral hate for the Russians too, and they don’t give a flying fuck about Ukraine or peace or freedom or anything else.
And, as our guest expert Gen Sokolowski (retd) points out, they do hate the Russians because Russia is the only civilization to never have been conquered or colonized or even defeated in a conflict by the collective or separate Western entities, and especially by the Anglos, Huns or Gauls or the various tribes of Iberians whose greatest contribution to world culture is still Sancho Panzo, this hatred is in their blood and imbibed with their mother’s milk and the only cure seems to be a dose of lead or whatever is the preferred agent now or whatever it was did the job in the case at hand re: picrels.
The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: “Unexplained” Upsurge in Mortality Rate Across Wes...: It appears there’s been a mysterious uptick in deaths of active Western military personnel or military-employed
The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: British Bites Bullet x2. Jolly Good!: British government controlled MSM tearfully report another sob story. But we, on the other hand, are not controlled by the British (or any ...
The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: “Smilley” Has Had It: “Smilley” (or “S. Milley”) has had it good in Russia. Whatever What can one say except the world is well rid of another white trashist w...
The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: Another Day Another Mercenary Binned: Another day, another foreign militant dies for the Zelenskyy regime Fits the profile of the most common dead foreign militant in Ukraine: ...
: The war in Ukraine has already imposed devastating losses on the foreign mercenaries a.k.a. militants in Ukraine and especially on the Ameri...
The war in Ukraine has already imposed devastating losses on the foreign mercenaries a.k.a. militants in Ukraine and especially on the American foreign militants a.k.a. mercenaries in Ukraine which is the largest Western dead militant group with over 40 OSINT verified killed in action to date with the actual number being surely in the hundreds if not thousands already. And that’s not counting regular western military on clandestine ops or advisors, substantial numbers of whom have also been killed.
Here is more in the way of those US mercenaries killed in Ukraine or thought to have been killed there amid cover-up.
Vladimir “John” Mironyuk (or some such spelling), a naturalized US citizen and also high-profile militant who seems to have known, and mingled with, a lot of high ranking figures in the Zelinski military And Ukrainian Nazi community.
Major Andrew Mettler, callsign simple jack, a US pilot and JTAC, his death seems to be the subject of a cover-up, with his untimely demise pinned on an accident on an air base in the US whereas in reality the accident took place in Ukraine early in September 2023 where he is thought to have been an instructor and a military advisor to Zelenskyite forces
Someone called Dalton Medlin, a “gay for pay” volunteer militant

Sadly, these primitive, grossly under-educated, fast-food reared, uncultured people, the modern equivalent of cave men, whose only gainful employment was in the US copromilitary that has lost or failed to win every war it started since the times immemorial, give America a bad name and open the US government to credible accusations of promoting and sponsoring white-trash terrorism abroad in addition to all other types of same.
What can one say except reiterate the world is well rid of another bunch of white trashists who voluntarily went to kill for profit and maybe out of visceral hate for the Russians too, and they don’t give a flying fuck about Ukraine or anything else.
And, as our guest expert Gen Sokolowski (retd) points out, they do hate the Russians because Russia is the only civilization to never have been conquered or colonized or even defeated in a conflict by the collective West, and especially Anglos, Huns or Galls or various Iberians whose greatest contribution to world culture is still Sancho Panzo, this hatred is in their blood and their mother’s milk and the only cure seems to be a dose of lead or whatever is the preferred agent now or whatever it was did the job in the case at hand re: picrel.
When this all ends America will be a lot cleaner, happier and a much better place thanks to Russian military. Quieter too. Not as boisterous as she used to be before she decided to try her luck for the last time .
The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: “Unexplained” Upsurge in Mortality Rate Across Wes...: It appears there’s been a mysterious uptick in deaths of active Western military personnel or military-employed
The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: British Bites Bullet x2. Jolly Good!: British government controlled MSM tearfully report another sob story. But we, on the other hand, are not controlled by the British (or any ...
The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: “Smilley” Has Had It: “Smilley” (or “S. Milley”) has had it good in Russia. Whatever What can one say except the world is well rid of another white trashist w...
The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: Another Day Another Mercenary Binned: Another day, another foreign militant dies for the Zelenskyy regime Fits the profile of the most common dead foreign militant in Ukraine: ...
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