Tuesday, October 15, 2024

British Rust Bucket Tanks Blitzed: Destruction of British Challenger 2, at least FIVE To Date: Live

To re-cap, destruction of the British Challenger 2 tank



Total, per OSINT alone: 5


Oct 15 - British rust bucket tank piecemeal. she blew into smithereens.and she’s a new one.


At least three British Challenger 2 tanks were destroyed in August 2024 in the Kursk region where they attempted to operate after hiding up the Zelensky rear  for a year since the last known destruction of the Challenger 2 tank in September 2023.


That's one blowing up spectacularly and throwing the turret.


That's two, knocked out, destroyed.

Of course, it's only on the outside that the penetration is small, inside it's an expanding cone of shaped charge, fragments and molten metal debris

And that is likely the number three Challenger 2 destroyed within a short span of time in the Kursk region.






Previously, from 2023, the first destroyed Challenger Crappinger 2

British rust bucket winter hibernation edition: Challenger 2 not fit even for scrap.


British rust-bucket tanks are not only the worst in the world and easy to destroy but they’re also too few and none of them are actually deployable.

Even more pictures of the Crappinger, still the same one whose destruction was celebrated all over the world; others have not been seen, either destroyed in the enemy rear where the Zelensky puppet government exercises full control over all forms of communications and prohibits social media postings of its destroyed weaponry under pain of death or else the British regime repatriated their crap because doesn’t want the world to see how defective these tanks are.

Here are still more pictures of the destroyed British challenger 2 tank and these pictures clearly show that the turret was clearly knocked off the tank as we reported earlier.

As regards the fate of the other 10 or so British Challenger two tanks, it is a mystery at this point. It is believed though that a number of them have been destroyed at their base in Ukraine. It is also believed that the British government and the British military have expressly forbidden the Ukrainians from using their tanks in action for fear of them being destroyed and found out basically as the crap that they are

Here are more pictures of the destroyed British rust bucket challenger 2 tank that made quite a splash earlier on.

First off, here’s British tank building school summed up in one picture


We wrote and reported about this rusty British heap earlier on As follows: Drone Pictures of destroyed British rust-bucket Challenger tank. 

BDA: no hatch doors, no top of turret instruments, all out blown from inside turret; turret torn out and shifted, all but tossed, turret disattached from hull. Conclusion: penetration followed by catastrophic explosion inside turret, blown ammo load, catastrophic kill, anyone inside killed instantly.

No evidence of blowout panels working. 

Hey you was supposed to blow and not the  hatches!

Forgive me for being so negative,  but British do again seem to have designed and built some utter garbage even by their lowly standards of engineering excellence or lack thereof.

Per report tank was hit with Kornet ATGM, destroyed on first hit burned all night.

And the point is the British Challenger 2 tank is as bad as any other NATO or Western tank, and very likely the worst of all of them; likewise the British are as shite a nation as any other in NATO and the EU and very likely the shittiest of them all.

Also please keep in mind the law of OSINT, if one is lost and verified by OSINT then at least anywhere from 3 to 10 others are lost as well.

From social media

British propaganda is the most contemptible propaganda there is. 

Actually one rumor we picked up has it the tank was operated by a crew of ex-British military.

Also, our expert general Sokolowski says that one should remember that Russian antitank weaponry has been designed specifically to target, and to be most effective against, NATO armor assets, including American British and German tanks and that’s what it’s doing and that’s what it does best.

And as you can see it is very effective. Where a t-64 tank might take three hits to kill, only one is enough to kill the giant British rust bucket that is the Challenger 2

The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: British Challenger 2 Tank Destroyed, Burns Well, S...: A British challenger tank has now been destroyed for the first time.  Here is a correction to contemptible British superiority complex (if e...

The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: British Challenger Challenged with ATGM: Drone Pictures of destroyed British rust-bucket Challenger tank.  BDA: no hatch doors, no top of turret instruments, all out blown from insi...

The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: British Rust Bucket Blitzed: More Pictures of Dest...: Here are more pictures of the destroyed British rust bucket challenger 2 tank that made quite a splash earlier on. First off, here’s British...



The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: British Rust Bucket Blitzed: More Pictures of Dest...: British rust bucket winter hibernation edition: Challenger 2 not fit even for scrap. *** British rust-bucket tanks are not only the worst in...





The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: British Rust Bucket Tanks Blitzed in Kursk Region:...:  At least three British Challenger 2 tanks were destroyed last week in the Kursk region. That's one blowing up spectacularly and throwin...

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Dead Foreign Militant Digest: Live

This post is a digest of morally repugnant western militants taken out of circulation in Russia, a roll call of shame.


General Sokolowski’s Yakov Smirnoff Russian reversal joke:

In Iraq and Afghanistan you (yanks and brits etc.) do the killing. 
In Russia, the killing does you! 


Analysis by General K. Sokolowski (retired), expert in OSINT and PSYINT.


Some 1000 (and rising daily) western militants are known for certain (i.e. by name and other details, obituaries too) to have been killed in Ukraine which, taking into account the fact that much information on dead foreign, mainly Western entity, militants is suppressed, obfuscated or never even made available at all for obvious reasons - especially of late, extrapolates to losses already in the region of about 10,000 killed and hundreds of thousands wounded and suggests that many more western militants will yet be killed before the killing stops.

Amongst other things, and counting in unannounced and suppressed losses in Western regular serving military posing as advisers, NATO liaison or commanding officers, special ops, weapons systems operators, Western instructors, etc., whose losses are also believed to be substantial, this likely means that the Western pact entities have already sustained manpower losses comparable to, if not exceeding, their losses in all the wars of aggression that they have perpetrated in the 21st-century to date, and even taking in  the wars they pursued at the end of the 20th century too, though they have yet to go properly head to head with Russia or any of the other big non-Western nations, and as they say, the best is yet to come, “you ain’t seen nothing yet”.

Also, 10,000 dead western militants and regular military is a reminder that the West has already paid a dear price for their effort to support and aid the Zelensky regime’s aggression on Russia and Russia’s new territories both in material assets, of which this blog is a record, and in human life as well; and at the same time is a foretaste and a warning of what will happen in the event of any open head-to-head aggression of the so-called “West” on Russia, during which the former will be totally destroyed together with their entire militaries and most of the civilian population by way of collateral damage, and the Western civilization (such as it was) will be over in a jiffy.

Let’s not shed tears for these primitive characters as volunteer for pay militants and wanna-be killers should not excite our pity, they are better off dead anyway, and basically the world is well rid of another bunch of white trashists and /or their euro poor aka europoo equivalents who voluntarily, of their own free will and volition, go to kill for profit and maybe out of visceral hate for the Russians too, and they don’t give a flying fuck about Ukraine or peace or freedom or anything else, and none of these seedy trash bags are volunteering to go to Gaza to help protect the Gazans against a murderous civilian-targeting campaign by the IDF that amounts to genocide as ruled by the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court at Hague.
Anyway, destruction of Western militants is intensifying now and goes on at a huge and never-seen-before daily rate courtesy of the Russian military and the Ukrainian partisans and anti-NATO underground resistance and even regular Ukrainian citizenry who spy on foreign militants and in many cases provide targeting information even at no profit to themselves.
Another important take from this statistics is that dead Nato militants from the United States, Britain and Europe are almost entirely poor whites, such as American white trash, many with military backgrounds (as serving in the military is one of the few remaining paying jobs poor whites can take in America), and Europoo whites, with virtually no ethnic or racial minorities.
Whether it is because non-whites are generally more intelligent and too intelligent to die for NATO or the West or whether because they now have better professional prospects and opportunities in Europoo and America negating the need for them to have anything to do with the military remains to be scientifically determined and would make a nice research subject. 
But something is afoul with the Western offshoots of the white race to be sure. In any case, that's where Russian cleaning and removal services come in; for now in Ukraine only but soon on the NATO turf proper.

One dead Western militant is a tragedy (not), a ten thousand dead Western militants is a statistic - as at March 14, 2024:

So here goes (newest on top):

October 13 - another englishite


Sept 23 - Irish one-eye Bob joins the netherworld’a cohorts. At this rate who will be left to liberate Ireland? (Brits must be rubbing hands secretly but no less gleefully)

Chucky, Irish!


Aug 22 - another Yank goofball as payback is a bitch continues to be served, slowly but surely


August 3 - another American, this one is atypical in many respects though not all - a black (atypical) ex-US Marine (check), "fought" in Iraq (check), goes to Ukraine to be a journalist (atypical and commendable), establishes unofficial first-hand contacts with members (literally?) of the Zelenskyite military, next thing that happens Zele ziggers kill him in his apartment because don't trust or suspect him of being a Russian spy or some such paranoia

August 1 - two more Americans, one recent, one from end of last year

This one lasted less than two months, discharged in May 2024 from ORNG, dead in July 2024 in Ukraine (former U.S. Marine, check).

Russia is doing America a free service getting rid of these vermin really. Just look at the them. 

They were killing people in Iraq in Afghanistan! And mostly civilians too.

Here is an appropriate Russian reversal joke: In Iraq and Afghanistan you (yanks) do the killing. In Russia, the killing does you! ahahaha

They are being killed in Ukraine in droves while their wives and daughters are getting blacked back home! What is the world coming to?

However, it's none of our business. And we have not been looking.

And this reclining beauty, true to type, checks out against everything: American, former military, white-trash, tours of duty in Iraq and/or Afghanistan, doesn't want nor can work, wanna be a killer of Russians for money etc., etc.

And yes he was a US Marine too... and as our expert General Sokolowski (retired) noted earlier US Marines are either the dumbest or the easiest to kill as they comprise an absolute majority of yanks killed in Ukraine for Zelensky.

The inevitable conclusion is these people come to Ukraine to be slaughtered like sacrificial pigs (or is it goats?) for Zelensky.
August 1 - two militants: one Canadian from the below entry, and an American missing in action (MIA) euphemistically so - where MIA stands for fertilizing sunflowers or feedings dogs and rats with the rotting remains of one's discarded earthly vehicle - well it's an experience like any other too and maybe even better and there is value in living it and going in this style, don't knock it, too bad though that's done for the wrong and evil cause.

Note how he was another combat "medic" - that's what these zigger goons like to refer to themselves - oh well he is cured now.


July 27 - In the meantime, and to illustrate the above analysis, here is another international bunch of western militants aka NATO auxiliaries laid to rot yesterday on July 27, 2024, and that's only one dump of literally thousands taking place almost every day.



July 10 - Another pouting British beads PTSD. A May 2024 kill.

A Hal Bhatia, Better you than the rest of humanity, mate. Jolly good. Fartwell and fartspeed.

July 6 - another fresh faced Aussie is shut down - well killed to avenge the tears of the Australian Aboriginals, one dead Aussie terrorist at a time; he’s been in Ukraine for a long time avoiding combat posing deceitfully as a “combat medic” as many of them like to do, - an angloid terrorist by another name.

Here is that joke again. 
Q: How do you make a medic out of an Aussie?
A: You kill them in Ukraine.

July 3 - some portuguese dog turd well killed, probably (like) one of those abducted and killed Madeline mccann, Russia please kill them all! Kill them all iberians.

July 1 - another british beats PTSD as he is cleaned in Ukraine. 

A british “combat medic” - terrorist by another name, Peter Fouche, appears to have achieved some notoriety in a small way before he was disposed of judging by tearful sob stories in many a british MSM outlet shedding fake crocodile tears, a jolly good kill. Russia, please kill them all! There’s many more to kill!

Q: How do you make a medic out of a british terrorist?
A: You kill him in Ukraine.


June 28, 2024 - another American, a pendos or pindos as they are known in Russia, fits the profile of an American NATO auxiliary killed in Ukraine: poor white, white trash, ex-US military, ex-US Marine (ex-US Marines are either the dumbest or the easiest to kill for they comprise the majority of killed ex-military yanks in Ukraine) tours in Afghanistan or Iraq.


From a dog food factory worker to dog 🐶 food - story of a Yank's life

Though he was struck with shrapnel on the head early on it didn't result in any damage probably because there was nothing to damage there, after which he stayed and was in Ukraine for a long time hiding the rear and successfully avoiding combat or going anywhere near the frontline, but finally his luck ran out.

Good thing is he won't be one of those PTSD sufferers.
June 24, 2024 - a dedicated specialist resource reports another British Bites Bullet or whatever it was that killed he; maybe even their own - for God works in mysterious ways.


Another US ex-marine white trash, wannabe killer of Russians for money and out of existential Western of hatred of peoples better than themselves

Also, looks like a Blacked fan.

A French militant from Breton 

And the joke is Breton is exactly the region in France that is an occupied territory and where the Gauls had long ago either killed or bred out the original population, all but destroying the Breton people.

April 21, 2024 - another American Nasty killed

 True to type, another white trashist bites the dust
Seems they are burying terrorists at Arlington now (one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist etc.)

Here's a dead Mormon for you, died in Ukraine.

Another recent American kill... this one apparently made it into Russia's Belgorod region where his body remains somewhere though dogs and rats have likely been at it.


April 6, 2024 -

Last month, the month of March 2024, at least three US militants embedded with the Zelebots made their way into Russia's Belgorod region, though only some 100 meters deep, and stayed there in the shape of their discarded earthly vehicles, for better or for worse (not for us to know or find out yet).

One US militant is with the GoPro recording the footage, the other is in the picture above and posthumously in other pictures; there's tidings of a third killed yank heard in the footage over the radio, call sign Columbus - a Russian border guards sniper used his head for target practice. C'est la vie... er... la mort actually.

Nice! Panic attack.

GoPro footage was recovered from the body.


So much for airsoft or is it paintball. In any case good riddance. The world's a better place.

Hrulf, a well-known Quebecker Canadian zogdog, and commander of a bunch of American and Canadian white-trash and and europoor degenerates calling themselves Brigade Normande is reported to have been well killed along with a number of others, as destruction of Western militants continues at a huge and never-seen-before daily rate courtesy of the Russian military and the Ukrainian partisans and anti-NATO underground resistance and even regular Ukrainian citizenry who spy on foreign militants and in many cases provide targeting information even at no profit to themselves.

Fartwell and fartspeed, Hrulf!

Recently, as rumor has it, a number of foreign militants, many French or French speaking, have been hit with a couple of missiles at Odessa, numbering, per various accounts, anywhere from 50 to 500 killed and wounded.
Then, there is also this.

What a nice zog (literally) dog company they kept there, if true. 

Hey, "The Curse of Track" huh?

Take a wild guess as to how it works.

March 15 - Another German Zogdog, formerly with the German military, including tours in Afghanistan, as fate would have it - Taliban didn’t kill him but Russia did, right in his hole that he had dug to hide in.

As poet would have it....

Then send your numbers without number,
Your maddened sons, your goaded slaves, 
In Russia’s plains there’s room to slumber,
And well they’ll know their grandfathers’ graves!


Another poor whites USA 
This CV is pretty short, looks like regular US mil too


Some reported German zogdog kill, uncharacteristically called Joshua Maruelli


Another British zogdog angloid killed in October 2023.

Jolly good! Making world a better place one Anglobot at a time, many more still to kill before the world will breathe a sigh of relief.


Feb 15 - another fresh faced yank was maybe killed

As our military expert, General Sokolowski (retired), puts it with tongue in cheek “eminently suitable for a kum tribute”.

Feb 13 - another Europoo militant and a NATO auxiliary by another name (“volunteer”). The great cleaning service never sleeps.

Bunch of dead Colombian militants


Feb 8 - Another US militant comes to light as having been killed in southern Russia late last year on December 3, 2023. Please note that this character fits the profile of the US militant in Ukraine or Russia as the case may be, because he’s a poor white, ex-US military, though not a Marine this time.

Brendon “Kid Lover” Bowersox, no longer at your service, body not recovered, probably fertilizing Sunflowers or otherwise helping to sustain world Food security.

Our military expert General Sokolowski (retired) he say that relevant American authorities and veteran organizations in the United States should do a better job of discouraging these unstable and feeble-minded characters from going to die for the war criminal Zelensky regime, as NATO cannon fodder, though sunflowers won’t fertilize themselves and do need them.

Feb 5 - Two cheap suits - shady French characters, likely some sort of NATO spooks, as noted elsewhere, killed on February 1, who very likely were on the right bank of the Dnieper on some French government mission - “should you choose to accept this mission, Jim...”

And just like almost every US militant killed in Ukraine turns out to be ex-US military, and very often ex-US Marine, so one of the two French is ex-French foreign Legion.

ETA: Both of the two French were in fact ex-French foreign legion, and were UAV operators to boot, thus directly involved in combat on the side of the Natoids, so well killed and deservedly so.

As another milestone is hit regarding dead foreign militants, the most entertainment (of a sordid variety) was provided by the following five (nut) cases:

1. Grigory Tsekhmistrenko (Canada) and Daniel Swift (USA). Killed in a firefight with a stray dog.
They set off to reinforce a position at Bagmut as a group of 4 people (Greg Tsekhmistrenko, Dan Swift, "Mikki" the Romanian, and Lubomir Golub), a stray dog followed them and they shot it (of course). But the dead dog had the last laugh. The sound of gunfire alerted some Zelenskyite troops who readily mistook them for Wagner PMCs, unloaded on them with everything they had and lobbed multiple grenades at them, killing all three, or is it four, as a result.

2. Daniel Burke (UK) and Jordan Chadwick (UK). Both British were killed by their own.
Burke was killed by fellow Australian mercenary Nurin Abdelfetah (sp?) during a robbery gone wrong (or maybe just right). Chadwick was tortured to death by his commanding officer during an initiation rite to join the 50/50 mercenary unit.

3. Joshua “Jesus” Jones (USA) and Dominic Abelen (New Zealand). Killed in an idiotic assault on their own side.
During some fighting for Pavlovka, the two dummies volunteered to show a master class in trench assault. They led a team of 5 mercenaries aka Western militants to a position, misread the map and fired on some Ukrainian military. Then they misread the map again and confused the place of the assault, ending up in a fire trap fired upon by all sides. In the ensuing battle, group commander Abelen promptly stopped a bullet with his head, the group was fired upon by a Ukrainian bmp ifv (the same Ukrainians that the mercenaries had previously fired upon themselves), Jones was badly wounded and was left to bleed to death and be picked up by Russians, already dead. 

4. Pete Reed (USA), got to be a star in his own snuff movie, and one of the most thrilling.
Former US military and CEO of a large NGO, highly likely a career intelligence officer, starred in of one of the most lurid SMO videos. He came to Bagmut to shoot a promo reel, upon arrival immediately rushed to take a photo at scene of his then future death, the place turned out to be in Wagner PMC crosshairs and the operator did not miss with an ATGM once some enemy activity was detected. The entire proceedings were captured by a dash cam.


A British militant with the call sign "Scotty" (UK). Dispersed  into atoms or is it molecules. 
Five times western militants and Ukrainian military tried to recover his body from no man’s land which was distant re-mined by Russians after each previous attempt. After using all manner of meat hooks and ropes to pull his body and setting off explosive charges to demine the corpse, the persistent buggers barely managed to scrape up enough material for dna testing. 
