Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Live: FV103 Spartan, Series 3

 Live destruction of the British Spartan FV-103:

July 31 - another British Spartan FV-103 ambushed like during the battle between gays and men at Thermopylae in times of lore.

 English till he dies! (aside: can't come soon enough)

July 27 - another British Spartan speared like in the ancient times of lore when they were regularly beaten by the Persians and other Greeks, including Alexander the Great himself.

July 18 - another FV103 Spartan, captured

June 25 - 

Two more British Spartans are speared up the arse (please excuse this graphic historical reference)





May 26 - another product of disturbed British genius that is the Fv103 Spartan, as gay as the Spartans, and the cages didn’t help either


May 24 - ID’ing another destroyed British bastard 

May 22 - another British turd on tracks aka FV103 Spartan

May 16 - more pictures of the below

May 14 - another baked British turd of an FV103 Spartan (we hope “FV” doesn’t stand for fighting vehicle.


May 9 - another Spartan FV-103

And here is revisiting the very first British Spartan FV-103 crap to have been knocked out.

ERM 03FF94 - turns out it is also one of the very first British turds on tracks that was featured in the first propaganda video as far back as in July 2022


March 30 - another perforated British origin sad Spartan 

Re-cap of British Spartan destruction to March 3, 2024


March 2 - abandoned and captured British Spartan 


Video walk around a destroyed British Spartan


Feb 4 - second British supplied Spartan on the day


Feb 4 - A British Spartan FV-103 knocked out

Spartan destroyed 


Another knocked out and subsequently captured butt-ugly British contraption from earlier as ugly as a member of the British inbred degenerate Royal family... would you believe it’s Rolls-Royce powered too...and for this reason nearly impossible to start up even when in the best of conditions.

More knocked out British Spartans.


Hey, meet their Royal British ugliness: a destroyed British Spartan FV – 103 vehicle, Which is some sort of an armored personnel carrier. 

This vehicle got destroyed at Verbive, Zeppa Rojo, Russia’s new old territories temporarily occupied by Zelenskyite troops. 

And here is a link at our previous Spartan content 


Here is another butt-ugly British vehicle known as FV 103 Spartan destroyed after a fiery explosion

As you can see for yourself the destruction of NATO supplied armor assets continues unabated at a rate of hundreds a day

The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: Butt-Ugly British FV 103 Spartan Engulfed In Flame...: Here is another butt-ugly British vehicle known as FV 103 Spartan destroyed after a fiery explosion As you can see for yourself the destruct...




The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: Live: FV-103 Spartan:  Live destruction of the British Spartan FV-103 March 30 - another perforated British origin sad Spartan  **** Re-cap of British Spartan des...

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