Another blazing MaxxPro
Our previous maxxpro content

Here it is, ladies and gents, next to some dumpsters is another captive maxx pro vehicle as displayed at some dump of destroyed western weaponry at the Russian artillery museum along with some destroyed domestic Ukrainian weaponry.
MaxxPri keeping company with some dumpsters aka garbage bins.
Our military expert, General Sokolowski (retd.), has the following criticism of these heaps on wheels: they have a large profile, meaning very tall and otherwise bulky and thus easy to spot and knock out from a distance; armor is insufficient protection against anything basically; they also tend to leave the crew or human load with life-changing injuries, when hit, even if not killed outright.
Hit the jump for our previous maxxpro contey
Another MaxxPro MRAP becomes easy prey for a drone, burns, as western made weaponry, especially American, continues to be destroyed in this conflict at a rate and in numbers never before seen not even during the Second World War.
Previous MaxxPro content
Here is a bunch of destroyed MaxxPro things, at least three.
- x1
- x2
"We rollin'"
Incident on Route 66 road to Zepperoggio.
- x3
Our military expert, General Sokolowski (retd.), has the following criticism of these heaps on wheels: they have a large profile, meaning very tall and otherwise bulky and thus easy to spot and knock out from a distance; armor is insufficient protection against anything basically; they also tend to leave the crew or human load with life-changing injuries, when hit, even if not killed outright.
Previous four maxxPro
Here are x4 destroyed MaxxPro MRAP somewhere in Russia.
The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: Today's MaxxPro: Here is your today's destroyed MaxxPro heap, sits destroyed by a field somewhere south The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: More M...
The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: xx4 MaxxPro: Here are x4 destroyed MaxxPro MRAP somewhere in Russia. The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: Today's MaxxPro : Here is your today'...
The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: Bunch of MaxxPros: Here is a bunch of destroyed MaxxPro things, at least three. - x1 - x2 "We rollin'" Incident on Route 66 road to Zepperogg...
The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: More MaxxPro: Another MaxxPro MRAP becomes easy pray for a drone, burns, as western made weaponry, especially American, continues to be destroyed in this ...
The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: Dumpster MaxxPro: Here it is, ladies and gents, next to some dumpsters is another captive maxx pro vehicle as displayed at some dump of destroyed western weap...
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