For a lasting peace on earth by way of demilitarization and pacification of NATO and documenting defeats and losses of invading NATO proxy hordes in Ukraine and /or in Europe.
Please join us in the fight for peace by bringing closer pacification of NATO and the ultimate destruction of the peace-averse NATO proxy hordes in Ukraine and/or in Europe by doing nothing else other than reporting objectively on their vehicular-, horse- and foot losses, their defeats and failures in NATO's undeclared proxy war on Eastern and South Ukraine and Russia.
Please also join us in the fight for peace by not allowing NATO and the West in general to lie about, to diminish and downplay, the terrible consequences and effects of this NATO provoked war, many years in the making, on their own equipment and weaponry now being found out in Ukraine as substandard at best and totally incapable at worst and being destroyed at a huge rate, on their own NATO and other Western combatants, clandestine or otherwise, on their allies and on their sometimes unwilling proxies whom they attempt to use and, to dispose of, as NATO cannon fodder, and ultimately on their own populations in their home countries now and when the chickens will come home to roost as they most certainly will.
Unlike war, peace brings no profit and won't pay for itself nor will it hold in a world poisoned with warmongering Western propaganda.
So, forgive us for pointing out again that our ability to provide this coverage is entirely dependent on your kind voluntary donations to keep this project going. Posts on the blog are free for anybody to reproduce or republish, including in translation, but only for purposes of conflict research and understanding and for purposes of research into Nato and Nato proxy personnel and materiel losses, and not for propaganda or gloating.
Unlike Western MSM, all of whom are government affiliated and controlled, including by way of crony and phony capitalism and by other crafty devices, and hundreds of other warmongering propaganda operations master-minded by the Western security services, and also unlike hordes of corrupt on-the-take Western journos serving the tiny but all-powerful Western plutocratic elites, this blog has no source of state, corporate or institutional finance whatsoever.
It runs entirely on a freelance basis in order to inform people who may not necessary agree with the every post, or with all of them, but would still like to have a full(er) picture of what is really taking place and therefore welcome the alternative voice, our unabashed hard-hitting reporting on Nato- and Nato proxy personnel and materiel losses, occasional insider information and debate, so please give and give generously.
In light of the above, donations to keep this blog going are gratefully received.
And generally keeping tabs on NATO
Also, support via btc wallet:
Bitcoin address for donations to keep our anti-war effort going: 3KehHDqfjbtuarCFU8ZKe6XXUV9whiphDM
I tank you!
And last word on this entry: remember the more you support us, the sooner will the war end; the sooner the war ends, the fewer people are going to die.
Also, spread the word.
The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: OSINT Photographic - Operation De-Natoization: Doc...: "I take pictures". And I upload and post multiple pictures... photographic pictures... into 10s of 1000s already, of destroy... The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: The Fog of War & Ghanima Blog: OSINT Photographic ...: "I take pictures". And we upload and post multiple pictures... photographic pictures... OSINT pictures... into 10s of 1000s ...
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